Title: A Story About One Time Luke Got Sick Author: Myrna1_2_3 Fandom: As the World Turns Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid Rating: R Summary: Disclaimer: Not-not-mine Author’s Notes: Stand-alone story
I had just finished reading "The Kidnapping story & its aftermath" for the umpteenth time. My all time favorite Myrna story BTW. Before going to bed I decided to check for any new stories & OMG!!!! There it was a NEW story!!!! I squealed in delight & immediately read it!! Just perfect Myrna!! You are a hell of a writer & I bow to your greatness!!! You have their voices down perfectly. I can hear them & see them in my head. I just wish to high heaven the show was still on & you were the head writer. You KNOW how to write!!! I love you & there are not enuff words to describe what a brilliant author you are & how much I love reading & rereading all your stories. You are a goddess!!! Thank you so much for continuing to write in this fandom & keeping the boys alive in fanfic.
The snarky banter and the love between the two of them. And people's reactions to their relationship and Luke as a patient and the talk about moving in together and and... Everything else XD.
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The snarky banter and the love between the two of them. And people's reactions to their relationship and Luke as a patient and the talk about moving in together and and... Everything else XD.
And Ethan/Reid is the most hilarious things EVER!
Amazing. Wonderful. Perfect. I think that sums it up. :D
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