I can still see the hope that had declined with the hills. Holding your hand as you slept, but it did not wake. And so it was over. My great grieving lungs had emptied. All was blue, the room and you, and when I started to dream, when I let you go, the moon began to weep in through the window. With wine I tried to drink myself back to sleep.
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Comments 2
my friends started this band called Polaroids of Robots.
my girlfriend bought a Polaroid camera.
my mom showd me some old photo's of us as children that my grandmother took with her Polaroid camera.
upon logging into livejournal today, one of the links on my home page was to a journal titled "Polaroids".
then i read this post off of my friends page, and you've titled it "rooms like your polaroids".
thank you for adding to the mystery, E.Payne!
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