»» eyes
1% : what color are your eyes? brown
2% : what color were they when you were born? brown
3% : what color are your lashes? black
4% : do you have bigger pupils than others or smaller? not sure, never compared.
5% : have you ever counted the number of times you blink in a second? lol surprisingly no
6% : do you wear contacts? nope
7% : do you wear glasses? no, I probably should though.
8% : did you ever have eye surgery? no
9% : what was the last thing that poked you in the eye? my blush brush.
10% : can you touch your eyes without flinching or does it just gross you out? I flinch but I wouldn't exactly say it grosses me out.
11% : how often do you look into people's eyes when you talk? depends on the person.
12% : what's your favorite eye color?: I like lighter colored eyes
13% : do you ever just go up to someone and look into their eyes because you want to know their eye color? nope
14% : do you wear sunglasses often? yeah, a lot.
16% : can you cross your eyes? uh huh
17% : do you roll your eyes constantly? no
18% : what's your favorite color? (yes, your favorite color to look at): purple
19% : what's the prettiest season and why? well I personally love the summer, and it's pretty too, but Fall is probably the nicest looking in New England with the changing of the leaves.
20% : who's the hottest or cutest person you ever saw? hmm.. I can think of a few but I'm going to go with Evan (of the musical group Evan and Jaron) met him a couple times a few years back and that is one good looking man!
21% : what was the last thing you read (book wise)? oh man.. I can't remember the name..
22% : who was the last person you wanted to see? I rather not say but Jess and Kate will be able to figure it out. :)
23% : what was the last thing you watched on tv? A few pieces of Oprah. Ha
24% : do you read the newspaper much? usually just the circulars in the Sunday paper.
25% : do you read magazines much? yeah
26% : do you read much in general? yeah... mostly in preparing for the meeting lately however.
27% : what's the first thing you see if you look over and past your computer screen? a lamp, and a clock and two pictures hanging on the wall.
28% : did you ever see it hailing? yep.. I've been hit by it too. *stinging noise*
29% : don't you hate it when you have sleep in your eyes (like the crusty crap)? yes!
30% : close your eyes. (after you read the whole question, dummy lol) are there lights still in your lids in with the dark? yep
31% : can you sleep with a light on? no
32% : how light is it outside? Not very... its been raining forever!
33% : can you roll your eyes into the back of your head? nope
»» ears
1% : do you like your ears? They are ok I guess.
2% : do have them pierced? yes
3% : how many times? once in each ear
4% : what's your favorite sound? music
5% : what's the worst noise in the world? guinea hens when they get mad (and yes I've heard that lol) and probably my mom trying to grind up something hard in the tiny blender she has.
6% : are you listening to any music? Yeah, just some randomness on my comp.
7% : what do you hear around you? the tv in the backround a little, the music I’m listening to, me typing.
8% : what's your favorite song? depends on what mood I'm in.
9% : can you wiggle your ears? nope
10% : when was the last time you stuck your fingers in your ears so you couldn't hear something and why? I stuck one finger in my ear the other night cuz I was on the phone and Kate and Jess were screaming. lol
11% : do your ears have attached lopes or unattached? unattached
12% : do your ears get red when your embarrassed or any other emotion roars through your body? once in a while.. not often
13% : what was the last thing someone said to you? do you want castineish?! (s? its chestnuts in portuguese) lol my dad cracks me up.
14% : is it annoying to get that ringing noise in there? most definitely
15% : do you hear voices? lol yes
16% : what was the last thing you heard that you rather didn't? Jessica's step dad snoring. omg! lol
17% : what was the last thing you wanted to hear, but never heard it? will you marry me? rofl
18% : what was the last piece of advice you were given? "you should just lay one on him" lol Kate
19% : did you ever put a rubber band around your ear? ha no
20% : go and open the door to outside and what's the first thing you hear? it's raining and cold and you expect me to open the door??
»» mouth
1% : do you ever stop talking? yes
2% : who did you talk to last? my dad
3% : what was the last thing you said? yes
4% : did you brush your teeth today? No but I should after this coffee.
5% : how many times to you usually? 1-2
6% : who are you talking with now? no one
7% : who do you wish you were talking to? *sighs* although seeing as how he hasn't gone more than 2-3 days lately without talking to me for hours I'll be surprised if I don't hear from him soon. (he called! *big smile*)
8% : who was the last person to call you? Jess
9% : who was the last person you called? Justin and Bryce
10% : who was the last person to IM you? I think it was Brad
11% : who was the last person you IMed? Dave
12% : do you talk to yourself? all the time.
13% : do you mind? nope
14% : the stupidest thing you said in the past 48 hours? I've probably said a lot of stupid things in the past 48 hours lol
15% : do you sing? uh huh
16% : do you sing in the shower? sometimes
17% : do you sing in public? if I'm getting paid. ha
18% : do you hum or sing while walking down the halls? sometimes
19% : are you outspoken? no
20% : are you opinionated? sometimes
21% : do you speak your mind? not usually
22% : how often do people tell you to shut up, jokingly or not? my mother is always telling me to shut up. haha
23% : are you a public speaker type? no
24% : do you stutter? I more stumble over my words because my brain goes faster than my mouth does.
25% : how many languages do you speak? Mainly english but I know a teeny tiny bit of portuguese
26% : how often do you scream? surprisingly almost never.
27% : are you loud or quiet? depends on who im around
28% : does your mouth reflect your personality on the inside? um... ha, looks wise or what comes out of it??
29% : who has the coolest/sweetest voice? I love people with foreign accents
30% : how do you get your voice heard and ideas out? writing.. I'm so awful at actually verbalizing the thoughts and feelings that are most important to me.
31% : do you often write letters? no, I probably should more though.
32% : what was the last song you sung? whatever song I listened to last on the new Fall Out Boy cd.
33% : what's your usual greeting to a friend? hi and a hug
34% : what's your usual greeting to an adult? hi
35% : what's your usually greeting on the phone? hello or hey what's up
36% : what's your favorite food? I love a lot of things but I probably couldn't live without donuts. ha
37% : what's your favorite gum? if I want fresh breath I like Orbit but if I just want fun gum to chew I'm kinda partial to grape.
38% : what's your favorite word? hahaha,,, I have a few... bulbous, lube, and turd. lol
39% : what's your favorite drink? coffee
40% : is your tongue pierced? nope
41% : do you like tongue piercings? no
42% : how about lip piercings? um.. I don't love them but they don't particularly bother me.
43% : ever have braces, how long? yeah, twice! The first time to widen my jaw, that was about 6 months to a year. And then I had regular braces for a year or a little over.
44% : do you have a retainer, for how long? I had one.. didn't use it as long as I should have.
45% : can you curl your tongue? yep
46% : can you whistle, on inhale or exhale? i can whistle but not well, and definitely not while inhaling.
47% : do you grind your teeth? no but I clench them sometimes without realizing it.
48% : did you have your first kiss yet and with who? I have this silly rule of not kissing guys who are idiots... I'll let you know when I meet one who isn't. lol
49% : did you ever French? no
50% : how many people have you ever kissed? technically one but I don't count it cuz it was against my will and he was thoroughly smacked after he did it. ha
51% : off the kissing subject already... did you ever have a filling? yeah a few
52% : if so, how many? um.. they were all a long time ago and I don't count them on a regular basis.. but I'll guess 3.
53% : how many cavities? same number that got filled.
54% : are you a lip gloss addict? yes
55% : how about chap stick? well my lipgloss is kind of chapstick like so I guess yeah.
56% : do you like the dentist? who does?
57% : do you have all four wisdom teeth? nope.. all 4 got taken out in December.
58% : ever have any teeth pulled? no
59% : how about a root canal? no
60% : go to a mirror and count how many teeth you have: 28 haha
61% : did you lose all your baby teeth yet? seeing as I am almost 23 one would hope so!
62% : if not, how many to go? 0
63% : what was the last thing you ate? just finished those chestnuts. :)
65% : do you bite? bite what?? haha
66% : how often do you snap at people? more so lately than usual unfortunately.
67% : are your teeth straight? they better be after having braces twice!
68% : can you flip you tongue over? no
69% : can you snap your tongue really loud? uh huh
70% : can you pop your lips? yep
»» nose
1% : is your nose pierced? no
2% : do you like pierced noses? if it's on the side it's not bad. my cousin used to have one right in the middle like a cow and it was awful.
3% : current scent? dinner cooking.
4% : no coke sniffing, right? definitely not.
5% : what about pixi stix up the nose ever? haha no
6% : do you hold your nose to swim? ha yeah..
7% : can you flare your nostrils? yup
8% : do you have freckles on the bridge of your nose? yeah
9% : do you think your nose is big or small? I think its big but everyone else says its just right. :P
10% : do you pick it sometimes? (be honest): no
11% : do you push your nose to keep your balance? pushing noses isn't to keep your balance silly, its for making people smile! duh...
12% : what's the worst scent? Jacob lol
13% : what's the best scent? lots of things
14% : what deodorant do you use? Mitchum
15% : what's your favorite cologne? I still really love Aqua di Gio
16% : what's your favorite perfume? I get a headache when I wear perfume so I'm not sure.
17% : what do you use? I usually use pear or coconut lime body spray.
18% : does scent matter in the opposite sex: As long as you don't smell bad it's all good.
19% : do you blow your nose in public? i try not to ha
20% : look around. find a random thing and smell it: there is rubbing alcohol on the desk... and I already know that doesn't smell too great. :)
»» touch
1% : what does your keyboard feel like? lol like a keyboard
2% : what's the best feeling in the world (emotionally)? Knowing that there are people that support and care about you. Really caring about someone and knowing they feel the same way.
3% : what's the best feeling in the world (physically)? cuddling :)
4% : what's the worst feeling in the world (emotionally)? Having someone you really care about not feel the same way in return or having someone you really trust and love betray you.
5% : what's the worst feeling in the world (physically)? being nautious
6% : what do your feet feel like at the moment? lol... um.. like feet?
7% : what do your hands feel like at the moment? ...
8% : what does your head feel like at the moment? it has a headache.
9% : what does your bladder feel like, especially after this? I just peed so its great.
10% : what do your legs feel like at the moment? kinda sore
11% : what do your shoulders and arms feel like at the moment? also sore.
12% : what does your butt feel like at the moment? it feels like I'm sitting.. oh wait.. I am!
13% : what does your neck feel like at the moment? crappy
14% : are you cold? surprisingly enough, not at the moment.
15% : are you comfortable? not really
16% : where are you? sitting in front of the computer.
17% : who was the last person you hugged? um.. I think Jessica
18% : who was the last person that pushed you? lol probably Kate
19% : who was the last person that you pushed? Joey
20% : when was the last time you fell over? Fell over laughing at Kate wheezing Sunday night. haha
21% : does music calm you and your nerves? yes
22% : if not, then what makes you chill? ---
23% : what stresses you out? what doesn't? :P
24% : when was the last time you touched a doorknob? a little while ago.
25% : do you crack your knuckles? yeah
26% : what's your current emotion? blah
27% : ever think you were in love? yes
28% : how many times have you fallen for the opposite sex? maybe 3
29% : what's the worst season (in feeling wise of course)? winter
30% : how do you feel now, after that long survey? kinda sorry its over actually because it was oddly relaxing.