Click the cut already!
Lucas likes playing with his toys. Yeah...
Still playing in the same spot. Hours later. Oh look. Marcie is going into labor.
Twin girls! Great - double the work. Crap. Wait....where is my other baby? WHERE IS MY OTHER BABY?!
There she is. She has invisible super powers. Haha.
*plops newborns on the floor for a kid photo* Anyways the kids names are Sammy and Maddy. Sammy's traits are -couch potatoe -loner and Maddy's traits are -brave -easily impressed.
Since we were burdened blessed with twins we had to buy double the gear.
Cooking for her family while thinking of Lucas. Aw.
Well...maybe this having twins thing won't be so bad if they all stay like this...
"Momma? I can has better lights? I can't see mah fooooood!"
Psh. Made Leighton watch the kids while Marcie went to befriend someone. Job opportunity. Yada yada.
First time going back to work since having all of the kids. Marcie fought back the tears....and then realized she'd be away from poopy diapers for a few hours. *CHEER*
Stupid sitter let the girls sit in their poop. Loser.
Birthday day! Funny enough the twins and Lucas all have their birthday fall on the same day. Well. One giant party for all!
Baby plopped on the floor ready to turn into a toddler.
Another baby blowing out some candles. See that kid in the striped shirt? Yeah. That's Sam. Leightons teenage son! Wtf?! Didn't even know. He calls Leighton a lot....Leighton ignores the call.
Lucas' cake.
Lucas is getting so big! *tear*
Some idiot broke our sink at the party. Leighton and Marcie were both too tired to repair it themselves so they paid the money and called out the repair guy. Sadly....we only had $28 left after buying Lucas a bed. So..... they stole one of our potty seats.
Leighton has since become so troubled with the thoughts of his kids growing up that every hour he wakes up and stands through the bed. Yeah....
He's STILL doing it. Freak.
Marcie potty training Maddy - the girly girl.
Marcie was like "No way am I getting up again. You take care of the kids, Leighton."
Sammy loves her music.
"Why won't they promoted me at work?!" "You're not buff enough, hun." "I'LL SHOW THEM!" *works out til smelly.*
"Gonna work out all night if that's what it takes! Owait. I've got a game. Eh. We always lose anyways."