(no subject)

Dec 09, 2005 19:29

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Post your results.
1) Is x0tessaxo_ your best friend? My sister's
2) Are somethingsara and iamvindicaited going steady? Obv not.
3) Does luxlaurenlux smoke? She's the drugged up chorus prez! OBv. not.
4) If eyesclosed_hope and ruttapong were spliced together, what would be its name? Hollstin
5) Would you make out with ruttapong? If I was his type, which Im not.
6) Have you ever dated sickofstars? Uhhhhh.. I date his best friend
7) Would groovefunk go out with somethingsara? No, probably not?
8) What color should itisallanact dye their hair? purple
9) Do you have jess1821's screenname? yesmmm ASP LOVE.
10) What is cutiepie_21's shoe size? i pay attention to that..
11) Would chenda and sickofstars look good together? Absolutely not.
12) What would ohsomysterious do differently in your shoes? Be chiller.
13) Is your_doe_eyes a nerd? Nope. def cute.
14) If your_doe_eyes was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? BadfashionGuy
15) When did you last call mrinthemix? probably on his birthday or for easy street
16) Where did you first meet luxlaurenlux? "Hi Lauren" "Hey Lauren" ... second grade
17) If mrinthemix and _comfort_eagle_ were spliced together, what would it be like? yes!!!! Quintay
18) What word best describes trashy_fashionx? Trendy as hell.
19) Does songwithnowords drink? Like a fish... but not really.
20) Where was pabookclub born? someones mind
21) Thoughts on your_doe_eyes? Cute.
22) Does swebb know simonkickass? prolly
23) What rank would k_dawg_stein have in a giant robot army? Commander in freaking chief Commander Stein.
24) What video game does trashy_fashionx remind you of? mario. I don't know why
25) Are rubberducks11 and curlyq00015 going out?
26) Do you have a crush on noonesahero? obV. 2 years 12.27
27) What do you agree with curlyq00015 about? Newsies
28) Is somethingsara friends with solongseattle? h-stead kids stick togethr
29) What is noonesahero allergic to? bad music
30) What would you do if you found out againsta11odds has a crush on you? have a crush on him back. and then praise his ninja skills.
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