A Favor

Feb 05, 2004 23:10

Could I bother everyone to PLEASE say a prayer for my mother? She's come down with pneumonia and isn't expected to pull through....thank you all <3

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Comments 4

bokbok February 5 2004, 21:44:36 UTC
Done. My best wishes for you and your loved ones and my sincerest wishes for your mom's recovery. <3


pleasurablepain February 5 2004, 21:46:14 UTC
I'm so sorry you're mommy's sick. I will pray for her and hope everything is well. If you're as close to your mom as I am to mine, I'd definately need someone's shoulder to lean on.
Lean on me anytime, baby.


Never a problem skip_hunter February 6 2004, 05:01:31 UTC
I hope she gets better soon. I'm pulling for her.


jenni_goes_grrr February 6 2004, 06:31:14 UTC
I pray for her everytime you talk about her!! I'll do even more now!! I love you!


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