living in a world of pink and blue

Apr 18, 2006 22:40

this little girl can just barely walk.. she's already out bicycle shopping (right on).. she hobbles over to the pink tricycle.. grasps the handle bars and proclaims it hers.. 'why do you want that one?' asks mom.. mom's leaning towards the blue trike. 'because it's a girls bike'.. barely walking and she already know's that the world wants her to pick pink because she is a girl and girls have pink.. so sick..

this little girl likes 'boy' things.. she tests out the little red 'boy' bike.. her 5 year old bro - 'you're on the boy bike'.. mom - 'she likes boy things'.. she's not phased riding around and around on the red bike.. bro - 'are you a tom boy?'.. she leaves the bike and finds one more gender appropriate.. later the boy is on a purple bike.. she - 'you're on a girls bike'.. after being called a tomboy and having mom do nothing about that she perpetuates the pink/blue binary back onto her brother cause it's the acceptable and normal way to behave.. so sick..

what makes boy things boy things?
what makes girl things girl things?
if i like boy things am i a boy?
if i'm a girl does that make my things girl things?
why not?
why yes?
why do we insist on labelling things?
does it really make life easier?
if i tell you my label will you understand?
if i dumb it down for you will you understand?
why do i have to dumb it down for you?
has the school/social system failed you here?
why is it okay for girls to own blue sometimes?
why is it never okay for boys to have pink?
can't adults see the harm that a pink and blue world inflicts on Others?
what would a yellow and green world be like?

if my bike is orange what am i?
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