By far the most accurate representation of the Earth is a globe. The next best is not most-used Mercator Projection which grossly scews the sizes of different parts of the map out of all proportion to each other; the Peters Projection, however, displays each country in proportion to the area it covers and so shows the true size of Greenland and the continent of Africa - this also has the advantage of allowing accurate by-the-map guaging of compass directionality between different map points.
Comments 2
By far the most accurate representation of the Earth is a globe. The next best is not most-used Mercator Projection which grossly scews the sizes of different parts of the map out of all proportion to each other; the Peters Projection, however, displays each country in proportion to the area it covers and so shows the true size of Greenland and the continent of Africa - this also has the advantage of allowing accurate by-the-map guaging of compass directionality between different map points.
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