do what feels right. sometimes quitting is what's best for someone, and it doesn't matter worth a damn what other people think. i wish you moral courage.
girl, you have to follow your heart. I'm in the same position right now. I understand fully where all the money goes, but I just hate all the dramatic bitches that won't grow up. It's sad to say that I just called some of my sisters bitches. I'm pretty pissed off about everything pi phi right now, i'm not sure why, I just hate when people are shadey...and are so called "there for you"....but only as a drinking buddy. Never will they call you back when you're sad, or about to have a breakdown. At least not anymore. It's just not the same. I'm not quitting yet...I'm too strong to give up. That's what my heart is telling me. If yours is telling you you need to drop, then I fully support you no matter what you do. Love you.
amber waldon disaafiliated and she STILL lives with Pi Phis. Im not encouraging you, but Im saying that it they're you're friends they're going to be your friends whether your in thier sorority or not. The true friends will stick by you not matter what, and if they dont, then they werent really your friend, right?
it's a family thing to quit... go ahead, the rest of us have or are about too!! haha... that makes me sound like an asshat a little.... but i love you, so it doesn't matter. and yeah, erikah had a great point, i mean, i lived with amber last year and it was never a problem, ever... b/c we loved her and it didn't matter if she was or wasn't a pi phi... if you need to talk, call me... or amanda... we're pretty much pro's at this kinda stuff!! love you!
Comments 5
hahaha, just kidding, quit that shit if it sucks.
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