
Apr 18, 2011 08:10

To apply for a fandom character, please fill out the form below.

You may copy/paste your application into comments or provide a link to where it's posted in your journal. If you use the latter option, please note that the link must remain live and publicly accessible for the duration of your stay in the game

Fandom Applications
Personal Journal:
Other Characters Played:
Link to last AC:

OU or AU?:
Wiki link:

History & Personality:
Mode of Entrance:

Suggested Power Reductions:

Situation & Means:

First Person:
Third Person:

Additional Notes:

Applications Details
Please note that the application for OCs will be posted after the game is established and running. We include the AU application here for reference, but players will not be able to app AU or OC characters until after the game’s first AC.

Applications: Open

Name: Your name/handle goes here
Personal Journal: Your personal journal, if available.
Age: Your age. Please be honest, but it is fine to just give a benchmark (i.e. under 18, over 21, etc.) if you prefer not to give an exact number.
Contact: How you can be contacted, e.g., e-mail, plurk, AIM, etc.
Other Characters Played: Do you have any other characters currently in the game? If so, tell us who, otherwise put N/A.
Last AC Link: Current players must be active with all their existing characters before picking up new ones.

Name: The name of the character you are applying for.
Fandom: The name of the canon your character is from.
Age: This can be the character’s apparent age, actual age, or approximate age. Just let us know which you’re giving.
OU or AU?: Are you applying for an Original Universe version of the character, or an Alternate Universe version of the character? Please remember that AU characters are available to existing players only.
Timeline: For OU characters, at what point in the character’s canon are you planning on bringing them into the game from? For AU characters just put N/A.
Wiki link: Please give us a link to what you consider to be a reliable fandom wiki about your character and their canon. You can give us more than one link if you like. If you’re linking to a wiki that you wrote, we would prefer that you also link to a wiki written by an outside source, however abbreviated it might be.

History & Personality: Describe what makes (and what has come, over time, to make) your character who they are. What makes them tick? What motivates them? Feel free to integrate some explanations of the world and canon setting from which your character comes in this section if you feel it’s necessary.

Please be especially detailed here--this is where you prove to us that you really know your character and that you’re the right person to play them in this game. This should be the part of your application that you spend the most time and energy on, and we will be reading it with particular attention.

What we are not looking for here is a simple chronology of every event in your character’s life. We also aren’t looking for an oversimplified picture of causality from past events to current behavior (“X happened to the character as a child, therefore the character is now Y”).

We are looking for a telling of character background that is engaging to read as a narrative of how the character came to be who they are today. We would like to see a representation that is nuanced and thoughtful. Real (and realistic fictional) people don’t always have simplistic or transparent motives, and making sense of them is often a challenge. We welcome apps that resist “flattening” or oversimplifying complex and contradictory character motivations and desires. We also welcome (convincing) oppositional and queer readings of canon texts.

For AU characters, this is your place to develop and flesh out your character’s place in this world. Include whatever events of life and birth you think are important to a clear representation of the character, and paint a comprehensive picture of their personality as well as their background.

While you may not handwave in AU versions of canon mates for your character (since this would be too restrictive on anyone who might want to app another AU from the same canon), you may strongly imply that the identity of someone in your character’s past correlates to a canon mate. For the purposes of writing your app, you may use the names of canon characters as you would like. Remember that in-game, however, the exact identity of friends, family, enemies, etc. derived from canon sources must remain vague for AU characters--they will never remember names or faces perfectly, and may consistently be haunted by feelings of familiarity around OU canon-mates if you so choose. Players are free to narrate these hazy memories either as a result of some emotional trauma related to an event in their character’s past, or else to simply treat it as an unexplained and unexplainable mystery.

Mode of Entrance: Portal, alternative means, or world native. If you are planning to bring your character into the game in a way other than entry through the portal, you need to tell us about your plans to get your character involved. For world natives and alternative means arrivals, please give us the overview of what you’ve plotted to bring them in, including the names of the other character(s) you’ve arranged to do your first log with and the place where the first log will be taking place.

Please Note: The mods will be providing examples of both alternative entry and portal entry when the game opens as a point of reference. However all new characters entering during this first cycle of apps will be arriving via portal since the alternative arrival system isn't available for players' first characters.

Suitability: Tell us how your character will be suitable for the setting as we want to see that you’ve give careful consideration to how your character will work in the game. Don’t feel put off apping in a child character, someone without powers, etc. This is not a setting where the strongest fighters will necessarily do the best. (Anyone who’s played the Call of Cthulhu tabletop game knows that “Library Search” is probably the most useful skill in the game.) We want to know how you see your character fitting in with the environment, but the gameworld is so expansive that there is certainly no standard answer for what that means, so please be as creative as you like here.

Situation and means (for AU characters only):
We’d like some additional information about your character’s means--where are they currently living and how are they supporting themselves? What kinds of resources and savings do they have at their disposal? Obviously these characters might potentially have a lot more in the way of possessions than just what they can carry on their backs, so please give us a list of significant items that they own. For example if you’d like them to have a car or a motorcycle...or a boat. Please try to be reasonable with your requests. We will ask you to scale back if you’re asking for too much.

Skills and abilities (for AU characters only):
AU characters obviously won’t be able to use their canon powers, but in some cases they might have unique skills or knowledge, or have managed to acquire abilities that defy explanation by conventional means. It is up to players to explain and justify the acquisition of these in their “History and Personality” section. In this section, please just list any notable skills or abilities that the character has and describe their degree of mastery or power. In most cases, these skills should be well within the normal human range. If your character has a black belt in karate or can read several ancient languages, please say so here.

Items (for OU characters only):
Anything that’s small enough to be on your character’s person when they come into the world can arrive with them. However not all of it will necessarily work the same when they arrive. Please make sure to list both weapons and any electronic gadgets. The mods will let you know what, if any, of it will cease functioning in this world.

Please outline any and all of your character’s powers and/or abilities from canon in full. You may simply provide a link to a thorough wiki entry covering the character’s abilities if one exists, otherwise you will need to write them out yourself. Attention to detail is key here as we will need to judge power reductions on a case-by-case basis.

Suggested Power Reductions:
Put forward suggestions of how you’d like to see the character’s powers/abilities reduced. You may refer to the sample apps to get an idea of the sorts of reductions we have in mind. In short, we aim to limit characters’ powers so that the setting and the forces within it present a legitimate challenge to all, and so that no character will be in a position to get a one-shot kill. The mods will take your suggested limitations into consideration and negotiate amendments or alternatives as needed.

If you want the mods to assign a balanced power reduction, let us know here. If your character has no supernatural or magical powers but is just a normal human, you can simply put N/A.

First person:
Please provide at least five sentences to show the way you handle the character’s voice and speaking patterns. (Just “Tch” is not enough here, no matter how in-character it is.) You can specify the format as a phone call, a letter, a telegram, or any other form of communication appropriate to the setting. While you may reuse samples written for other games, you may not use samples that are in a format that would be impossible in this setting. (So no video samples, for example.)

Third person:
Please show your descriptive and expository handling of the character. We would like to see some description the character’s thought processes as well as elements like body language and anything they might say out loud. This samples needs to be presented as either a piece of stand-alone introspective writing, or as if they were interacting (or about to interact with) another character of another player. As a guideline, we’d like to see around 300 words. Again, you may use samples originally written for other games, so long as you feel that they offer an accurate representation of the way you would handle your character in this setting.

AU characters must provide both first and third person samples written specifically for this game.

Additional Notes: Anything else you want to make us aware of that but doesn’t seem to fit elsewhere.

Please keep in mind that throughout the app, we will be looking for quality, not just quantity/length. The longest apps are not necessarily the strongest!

If you have any questions about applications please check our FAQ section. If the question you have is not answered there then please do ask us for clarification.
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