Title: Moonlight Love Author: mystery Pairing: Hunhan Rating: G Genre: Fluff Word count: 442 Summary: Just some fluff Author’s Note: So long since I posted anything... Also, first Hunhan I've ever finished! Fanfiction Masterlist
Ah~ I'm really bad with chaptered fics hehe~ I have some that I'm working on, but I don't think I should publish them until they're finished or almost finished, lest I abandon them halfway and disappoint my readers OTL I'm glad you liked this though, thank you! (^__^) <3
I don't know, I think I would've ruined it if I continued writing... I tend to do that sometimes OTL I'm glad you liked it though! Thanks for reading and commenting~ ^-^
Yeah, of course you can. As long as you properly credit me and send me a link to it, okay?
Comments 9
heeheehee so adorable :D
Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it ^-^ <3
btw i changed accounts, i was chielle before *^*
I'm glad you liked this though, thank you! (^__^) <3
By the way, I would like to ask your permission to translate this fic into Vietnamese. Hope to receive your answer soon. Thank you!!
I'm glad you liked it though! Thanks for reading and commenting~ ^-^
Yeah, of course you can. As long as you properly credit me and send me a link to it, okay?
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