Yeaaaah boyee, it's 4.20, do whatcha will! And our season finale. And the game, oh yes, she is changed.
Samuel gets the previously. Peter Sylar Hiro Charlie Samuel Ando ADAM MONROOOOOE Hiro's mom Damien HRG Claire memmmmmories big fuckoff hole in the ground and - SHOW!
Oh darn it, it was "Help me get these ropes off." I liked my misheard line better. Claire and HRG are deep underground, unbeknownst to Lauren, who walks around trying to find them.
PLANET KRING! Wracked with earthquakes, storms, war, prejudice, hate, and doom - and that's just on the internet.
Back to the show and to Peter in front of Pink Floyd: The Wall. Upstairs, Parkman is raiding the fridge when Multiple Stashes show up in the kitchen. The Stash is very calm about threatening to put a serious hurtin' on all three of our "good" guys. Matt tries to telepathically convince MultiStash to go away, but of course it doesn't work on the projections. Matt Parkman! Fight!
At the Carnival, Samuel gives a rousing speech to the remaining carnies, including Edgar, who gives a good impression of someone madly in love with Samuel. And hey, they're in Central Park. Hope y'all got a permit for that; you can't so much as busk in the park without getting busted.
Matt gets his ass handed to him until Peter comes up the stairs unencumbered and helps free him. Sylar comes up them and tosses Stash on the floor like a bag of cat litter. Parkman is not impressed.
Carnival. Emma comes up to Samuel, and he tells her that it's time for her to use her beacon power. Emma remembers Peter telling her about his dream, and tells Samuel about it. Samuel just smirks and grabs her by the arm. "You can't force me to do anything," she lisps. Well, he can't, but Doyle can. Cleanshaven, lipstick, AND eyeliner? Oh, honey, no. I love you, but no.
Ando sobers up while Hiro watches him. Ando is worried that it's too soon after Hiro's brain surgery, so Hiro just does something wacky with time and tells Ando that they've got a date with destiny. A nurse comes in and hands him a note; inside is a paper crane.
PETER AND SYLAR are speaking in unison like a long-married couple. Or twins. HOW ADORABLE. Matt is freaked and upset, naturally. Peter isn't bothered; he takes Samuel's plan from the Stash's mind, while Sylar tries to justify himself to Parkman. Matt doesn't want any part of it; he won't let them leave. Aw, Matt. Who can blame him? He didn't just spend five years in solitude with nothing to do but get to know everything about Sylar; his favorite books, whether or not he's ticklish, if he likes pickles, etc.
Claire digs. HRG thinks they're in too deep, but Claire of course doesn't listen and keeps going. HRG thinks they're done for. It does look kind of bad.
Emma sadly plays the cello in front of an antique microphone. (Sexy.) She is sad. Outside, everybody and their mom is coming toward the carnival. Doyle is thrilled to be helping. That poor bastard cannot catch a break.
Hospital - Hiro goes in search of Charlie - who is indeed there and excited to see him, but now she's in her eighties (though still a brilliant redhead)! HARSH!
Back to the underground club. Claire begs for a plan; HRG doesn't have one, and he wants to talk about all the bad stuff Claire saw in the house of mirrors. And the fact that now the world's gonna know about the awesome ska sounds of the Specials. "Things change. But people don't," he says sadly.
Back in California, Parkman argues with Matt and Sylar. Peter and Sylar try to explain that they were together for FIVE YEARS and they know each other and their love is all true and shit. Awwwww. Sylar tells Matt to read his mind if he doesn't believe. So Parkman does; we don't hear what he hears, but apparently Sylar's on the level - or at least his mind is, if not his heart. Sylar asks for a chance to prove himself, and Peter asks for trust. Matt gives it, grudgingly, and kicks them out; then telepathically tells the Stash that he'll do exactly what Matt asks.
At the Carnival, Emma plays, and a massive crowd watches. Samuel is all psyched, and goes to gloat to Edgar. Edgar is dubious. There are news cameras there and everything. "Tonight changes everything," Samuel whispers. Yes, it does, doesn't it? Or does it? Hmm, let's see.
In the hospital, Aged Charlie is talking to Hiro; she was sent to 1944, where she became Rosie the Riveter. Hiro confesses that it's his fault that she was sent away into the past. And - scene!
OK. HRG is running out of oxygen and is getting all sentimental. Claire desperately clings to him and shushes him; he needs to stop talking so he can live a little longer. Tears and forgiveness. Awwwww. And I love that red coral nail polish that was going around the set this season (Lydia had it too). HRG begs Claire to hide when the Hero Rapture happens. "It's my dying wish," he begs. And passes out. The end of the man in Horn Rimmed Glasses???? {{O_O}} Claire freaks and begins to dig with her hands, hitting water - which contains Tracy Strauss. Hey, baby! Where'd you get the clothes? Tracy says that it's time for them to get through thirty feet of dirt. How in the world are you gonna do that, kiddo?
By generating a whole bunch of water to widen the hole and float Noah to the surface, that's how. Oh, and Claire comes up, too. Lauren admits to having called Tracy. And a helicopter to take them to New York. That's handy.
Hiro and Aged Charlie. It's driving me crazy being unable to name this actress; I really like her, but I can't remember her name or her other roles for the life of me. They still have a lovely rapport. Hiro offers to "fix this". Because of course he can. Ando stands up and interrupts, though, and takes Hiro out to the hallway to talk to him quietly. Hiro of course wants to go back in time to get Charlie and bring her back, young and gorgeous again, and Ando tells him that it's seriously uncool to even think to do that. Thank you, Ando. She's on Glee now. She's happy.
At the Carnival, Emma's fingers have already started to bleed. Noah and Claire walk through, trying to plan shit. They tell each other to be careful. And hey, Peter and his husband are there, too! Peter remembers his dream; Sylar goes to save Emma, just like the dream said. "Trust me," Sylar says, and I just can never tell about that one. Noah calls for Hiro, but Edgar gets to him first. Sylar keeps going.
He approaches Emma, and tells her he's come to save her; unfortunately Doyle is there and he's got a different idea. "What brings you to the Big Apple?" Doyle chirps. Sylar looks kinda peeved, kinda scared.
We're at the 36 minute mark! I demand a massive action climax!
A drink! A drink to the memory of Nathan! Look up! At the sky!
And we're back at Access Carnival. Claire runs around the carnival trying to warn all the specials to get the hell away from Samuel. Samuel is right there, though, and tells her to chill out. Ian - the gorgeous man with the light eyes - is all duded up in purple bowler hat. He's hot. Mmmm. Yes. Very.
Anyway, Edgar is moving HRG around with a knife to his neck, and confesses that he and HRG have the same plan. Of course you do! HRG gave you soup!
Hiro tries to sell Charlie on going back in time, and being young again. Charlie is kind of over the whole idea. She's got a granddaughter, which implies some other man who impregnated her and spread her fabulous red-haired genes all over the world. She even had FOUR children. And cherished memories! She doesn't want to go back, of course. Ando urges Hiro to get back to his actual life, i.e. getting his ass kicked in the cause of justice. Hiro sadly looks back at Charlie one last time, and says that his hero's quest has come to an end. Ando calls bullshit on that; destiny is calling, and Hiro's let it go to voicemail long enough. He grabs Ando and blips away; Charlie smiles and looks back at her family. AW.
Doyle is TKmanipulating Sylar, and by inference calls Nathan "Dudley Do-RIght" (snerk). Emma gets a measure of self-control back, now that Doyle is distracted, and sound-slashes Doyle across the room. Sylar TKgrabs ahold of Doyle. Doyle tries to make excuses - it was Samuel's idea, yada yada - but Sylar ain't impressed. He gets his mean face (and fantastic villain hair) back on - except that (as he claims) he's a hero now. And scene!
Meanwhile, from backstage, the crowd can hear Claire and Samuel arguing. Claire lays down the law, and tells everyone that he killed Joseph. The carnies are aghast. Samuel tries to get psychological control back, but Edgar and HRG set up and again tell the truth. The Stash comes up and reinforces them, confessing that he killed Lydia himself. The carnies are upset. "It's over, Samuel," HRG says, and the carnies start to leave. Samuel starts screaming impotently after them. And then runs out on stage and yells, "Ladies and gentlemen, you want a show?" YES, screams the viewing audience.
And the earth begins to shake. The crowd freaks mildly, then extensively, and starts to run for it. Shit falls down. Screaming. Peter goes flying and knocks Samuel over and IT'S ON. Battle Royale (with cheese)! Peter and Samuel fight by moving the earth at each other. (it looks cooler than it sounds. Though, actually, not all that much. They are keeping each other in check.) And Samuel starts trying to psych Peter out by talking shit about Nathan, which we KNOW does not work.
Claire tells Hiro to teleport everyone out of there; Hiro endeavors to try. Noah offers to stay behind and deal with Samuel. And Hiro does indeed manage to teleport everyone away. (To where, we don't know!)
With everyone gone, Samuel is powerless. Peter isn't, though - he's still got rage power, and he hands Samuel a proper-ish beatdown (by throwing him around, which is one of the only things Peter can do. Punching and throwing is about the extent of his battle skills.) Samuel goes running and screaming, desperate for anything; everyone's gone. "I gotta say, I never liked carnivals," HRG deadpans. "Yep," answers Peter.
End of volume.
Beginning of volume. Peter and Emma run towards each other and embrace. Emma says that Sylar took care of Doyle... Peter goes to investigate. Sylar has wrapped Doyle up in electrical wires. "I like it!" he says.
Everyone into police cars. Lauren talks to the press. Claire and HRG talk, and Claire complains some more about being in the closet. The media runs up and HRG refuses to comment. Claire also refuses. At first. Then she steps up. "You wanna know what really happened tonight?" she asks. And climbs up the Ferris wheel. Oh, lord. Hiro and Ando come out and watch Claire climb... Peter and Sylar walk and talk and Sylar is amazed at this whole new compassion thing. Peter is too distracted by Claire to listen. "She's gonna change everything," Peter worries. Sylar's like "Totally, I know, right? She's so cool. I love her. Not as much as I love you, though, don't worry!"
And Claire falls, breaking her arm, classically, and heals, right in front of the cameras.
If this is the last episode that'll drive me even more nuts than the last episode of The 4400, which ended with everybody who wanted them getting superpowers, and such possibilities... but argh, I couldn't take it again! This DEMANDS renewal! Oh please, oh please, oh please renew it, and really throw down, and really go where no superhero show has gone in a very long time. Oh, please go there. Please.
This is Stonewall.