Title: Reason 42: Breaking in a new apartment
Series: 50 Reasons To Have Sex
mystic7194Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Length:561 words
Rating: PG
Warning:Angel pregnancy (sort of m-preg but the vessel isn’t pregnant only Cas’ true form is)
Summary: In one of the episodes of How I Met Your Mother the character create a list of 50
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Comments 4
I'd love to continue the verse more but I have a lot on my plate right now.
In other words, Dean was revolted by the thought of pink walls in his house xD And is, perhaps, still in a bit of denial about the fact that he's having a girl, lol
“Boys are more dangerous than demons. Do what your papa did. He was a virgin until he was a couple millennia old.”
Bwahahahaha. Yes. Cas is the rare parent who, when the kid tries to protest "Like you didn't date/have sex when you were my age", can honestly say that he didn't. *snorts*
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