Shamelessly stolen from
slitherlinzi who shamelessly stole it from
because i'm too tired and lazy to actually think up a real entry right now...
Rec me:
1. A movie.
2. A book.
3. A musical artist, song, or album.
4. An LJ user not on my friends list.
5. An amusing internet site.
6. A fanfic.
Comments 1
2. "Beloved" by Toni Morrison. Hell, anything by Toni Morrison. She is God's gift to American Literature. Anyway, Beloved is about Sethe, a former slave. From the back of the book because I'm too lazy to make up my own summary: Sethe must deal with this haunted life on every level, from the fires of the flesh to the heartbreaking challenges of the spirit. [/end quote] Anyway, this book is heart-wrenching. Painful, but beautiful.
3. I've been listening to Gillian Welch a lot. You probably don't like bluegrass, but her voice has an urgency that's almost haunting. Lovely.
4. gah. I'm too lazy to look at your userinfo page to see who we don't have in common.
5.I am in love with Gangsta!Gollum
6. Roman Holiday If you haven't already read this, please drop everything you're doing and take a look. It's fabulous.
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