Another Good Day!

Mar 07, 2005 23:21

so today was good, i woke up earlyish, but on my own so it wasnt a "get up whitney" sorta thing...but i got up and cleaned and watched tv and jsut did stuff around the house...befor ei knew it, it was 4:00 and i showered and got dressed and went to saras to babysit...i made $63 between yesterday and today, yipee! after that i went to carters and ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

lonelyhappiness March 8 2005, 04:29:24 UTC
ohh pretty whitney, whose your date with?? :)


mysticbiscuit2 March 8 2005, 06:44:57 UTC
a lovely gal who had a respatory(sp?) infection while in rome!


lonelyhappiness March 8 2005, 11:49:49 UTC
you're so lucky! you two are absolutely perfect for each other :)


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