Hello I'd like to introduce myself to you all :) My name is
And I am a soldier! What you think I'm too young? I am not! Why did I join the army? Well...
Now I'm getting assigned to a new place....
My sense of direction isn't that good...
And people Spray things in my face sometimes...
But it's ok because luck is on my side!
My new assignment is a bit odd because... Well I'm the person who plays the trumpet for a retreat. What you thought I fought people? Oh no! I would NEVER DO THAT! The reason this new post is odd is because almost all my sempai are trumpet players.. so I'm wondering who we will call to retreat? Ah but it's ok I'm learning to be a great trumpet player!
I bet you are all thinking WTF is she watching now... here's another anime she isn't going to finish. WRONG! I'm going to give it a few more episodes... I actually enjoyed this one. ^_- It is an awesome anime!
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12