Cooked dinner for the whole family for the first time today. It went over really well. I was worried there wasn't going to be enough, but everyone polished their plates, and no one's snacking yet. It feels really, really good cooking for people. ...when it works, anyway.
A bushel(?) of asparagus (no clue how many)
200g unsalted peanuts
Half a yellow pepper
Some lemon extract stuff (comes in a teeny tiny bottle?)
A teaspoon of oregano
A teaspoon of chopped or minced garlic
One and a half packets of Wong Wing chicken dumplings
Feeds: Two healthy appetites.
Takes: About 15 minutes from prep to finish.
1. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat.
2. Chop the asparagus to ~1 inch lengths. Chop the yellow pepper into whatever size/shape pleases you most.
3. Put your asparagus, yellow pepper, and peanuts into the pan. If the pepper slices are much bigger than the asparagus, put them in a little earlier. If smaller, put them in a little later. Whatever, it'll be fine.
4. Add the teaspoon of oregano and garlic. Also put in a bit of lemon extract stuff. Like, a very little bit. Stuff is strong, so a little goes a long way. If you want to use a real lemon, sacrifice a whole lemon to the cause. You're gonna want that lemon flavour. S'nice.
5. While that's frying (stir occasionally), set up another pan on a low heat. Once the veggies are fried you're going to transfer them to the warming pan and cover them so they'll be ready once the dumplings are done.
6. Okay, your veggies are done and they're in the covered pan on a low heat. Put 1/3 cup of water in the pan as well as a bit more olive oil. Put your dumplings in there and cover the pan. Follow the instructions on the packet.
7. Or do this: Let the dumplings simmer in the water for 4 minutes, then flip them over, to fry for a few more minutes. They're done when they look good, you know? Got a bit of a golden fry-burn going, and all that.
8. Serve the dumplings with the peanut-veggie-mix on top.
9. *om nom nom*