Jun 29, 2006 16:00
So this is where I WANT anonymous postings :P lol So just reply without your name and answer these questions :) I'm being a dork.
So Give Me:
One secret.
One complement.
One insult.
One love note.
One song that reminds you of me.
How old you are.
How long we've been friends.
And a hint to who you are.
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Comments 5
2. that yummy sweater grrrrrrr
3. You are too into being right....i mean if there is a peeny missing that is okay
4. but dave.......ohhh wait does that give it away
5. mmm coffee and scrable
6. old i mean like today i used a cane
7. 1 minute
8. 2000/700 and 7 days
One complement. Pigtails are SO UR THING!
One insult. Dont you Get a Like discount cause ur part native or something (quote from Alex At dollarama)
One love note. I Touch Myself :P
One song that reminds you of me. The stocker song! "IF I DOOOOOOO"
How old you are. older than you :P
How long we've been friends. Since FOREVER !
And a hint to who you are. Im an were the AWA girls GO US!!!
One complement -> you're funny
One insult -> you just think you're all that and more, don't ya? :P
One love note -> ummm.. *hands you a note that says "love" on it*
One song that reminds you of me -> I touch myself
How old you are -> 21
How long we've been friends -> a few years
And a hint to who you are -> "possibly"... or "no doubt".. oh and i'm probably your most quietest friend lol
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