(no subject)

Dec 24, 2009 18:46

Lol. I call this the "PUT YOURSELF DOWN" ... meme.... but that's just me, dunno what it's actually called \ o / !! ....

annnd this is a copy&pasta from .. ... elsewhere. Yah = =a ...


and. actually. I started to forget to check things off along the ways, and only commented..... *LOL*



SIDGH[DSIOFUSD[ I think it should be named the " PUT YOURSELF DOWN MEME " orz;s dighs[adfsa .... it sorta made me feel shitty somewhere inside *LOL* orz hd[sgioau I think only people that are truly egoistic can take this without feeling slightly shitty inside IDKorz sdh[giaodufawi[fsad .... *sobsincorner*

I just found it somewhere idk.

1. [ ] When you doodle, you say it's a simple drawing. (... I just say it's a shitty drawing/doodle... wtf is a simple drawing?! @ D@)
2. [ ] Always provide excuses such as "Still in development". (nah, I just say I FAILUREZPL0X)
3. [ ] Can only create an excuse of "I used a mouse, not a tablet". (LOL I LOVE MOUSE /fagsoverthis/ orz)
4. [x] You only draw faces. (OHSHITYAH 8D sidh[gasi .... headshots all the way /FAIL/)
5. [x] You always draw faces at the same direction. (YAH. 'CUZ I FAIL :'C *SOBS*)
6. [x] The proportion is awful. ( ... I think so, but I try? LOL notreallycuzinevertryinanythingfcuk)
7. [ ] Every character looks the same. (I try not do that :/ infact, I can't do that! *LOL* orz .. I fail in reproducing the same hairstyle 'cept that one hair style that Hiro has ROFL orz sdhg[ad *has a zillion characters with that hairstyle?!* \ o / ... but I hate it / can't really draw it anymore, wtf?)
8. [X] Uses different hairstyle to distinguish characters. ( ... ughmmm I guess D; /fail/ .. ...... )
9. [] Cannot distinguish left and right direction. (..... huh?)
10. [ ] "Sketch? Who cares about that?" (LOLWHUTS?! SDIH[GAS[F the sketch is actually my base... orz;; if I have a bad sketch, the drawing comes out like shit, no doubt @ D@)b!!!! .... yah. I try to do good sketches :'x ... digital wise, hur ... .. because my lineart relies on it... heavily.)
11. [ ] You only draw sketches. (YOURFACE- errr ..... idk, traditional art, probably moar sketches |D but they're clean sketches-- eff)
12. [ ] What's a LAYER??? (FUCKYAH!1!)
13. [x] You always draw one character. (yah... 'cuz drawing more than one is so much pain *impatient* orz...)
14. [X] You always draw characters in same angle. (I guess :c I always draw them in my favourite angle LOL *needs to share about this sometimes)
15. [x] No matter how you draw, it's the same expression. ( ...... SORTA? ROFLSD GA[u I don't like to draw expressions :'c *sads* I FAIL. and so, they're either emotionalessly staring into space OR smiling liek they're high OR smiling liek dorks standing thar for no reason)
16. [x] You couldn't draw characters with movement. (if you make me do it, I guess :c but I don't want to. OTL *sobs* my movement/anatomy sucks anyways /emofags/)
17. [X] You barely draw feet. (... I guess :x i'm not very interested in drawing theFeet. orz;;; ... only if they're boots :'x ...!)
18. [x] You can't draw figures from high or low angles. (becaus i fail? y/y?)
19. [ ] You don't even know the definition of high and low angle drawing.
20. [ ] A shitty figure drawing in dynamic pose can be turned into a 4th Dimensional abstract. (......?)
21. [x] Same character looks totally different when it is drawn in different angle or direction. (yes. lol. @ D@/... )
22. [ ] You can't even draw anything other than characters or draw everything except characters. (ughmm whut? D: .. as in you either fail in drawing peoplez or you failz in drawing nothing but people? idk. orz .. .... I can, I guess? just that they ain't great *sads*)
23. [ ] You can only draw cute characters. (KAWAIIAKWAISH[GASISD[ DESUU ... I dunno. ... should I check this one? :c but I don't lieks to draw kwaiidesune orz )
24. [ ] You can only draw handsome characters. (ROFL SDI[AS I FUCKING WISH /SOBS/ ...!11!)
25. [ ] Hands is your nightmare. (they're okay, I guess :c ... I think I'm starting to get the hang of them now!!)
26. [ ] Your character's hands are always hidden behind. (because its' easier *LoL* orz isdh[giasu but now I just like to repeat the same poses so they look the same- EISH[DGAOIU[ IDK)
27. [ ] The idea sketch is professional but the actual quality is shitty. ( .........? )
28. [ ] You try to cover up one of the eyes with hair so that you can draw only one eye. (HOMGHOMGHOMG HOW'D YOU KNOOOWWW ; D; !1!1 *SOOOBS* I tried to do that with Viktor 8D ........ <3 despite how much I like to draw Viktor's eye style LOL orz ... but in truth, I HATE characters with their eyes covered by hair @ D@ that's so emofagplz *SHOT*)
29. [ ] Your works are always asymmetrical. ( ................ ... I don't understand that word /IGNORESGEOMETRYPL0X/)
30. [ ] Line art only = Finished piece. (no. even if I did lineart. I don't like to share it @ D@; .. ... hahaaha ahaa)
32. [ ] You have no anatomical knowledge. (*sobs* forgotten them all already~~~)
33. [ ] You only draw eyes. (..... not really :c eyes are annoying to draw orz;;; WHY I LIKE TO DRAW CLOSED!EYES *LOL* ORZ)
34. [ ] Character's hand and eyes are huge. ( ............... that's... sorta. scary. but. I think the eyes I draw are sorta huge ; D; *sobs*)
35. [ ] You're poor in drawing the position of boobs. (I would check this, if only people didn't view my art by 30% more + fav the pieces with BOOBS by 50% more! * D*)/ ... ... so I =THINK= I CAN SAY THAT I DRAW NICE BOOBS? Ihs[doiag or it's just that all the hormone induced kiddies on dA pounces at any ANIMU GIRLIEZ drawings with exposed BOOBIES ...?? I'm not sure!)
36. [ ] Your artworks are free from all logic. Awkward anatomy and proportion. (OHSHIT<3 I love those-- )
37. [ ] You lose confidence when other people's works look great. (.... ughmm sometimes :0 ... depends if I had enough sleep or not *LOL*)
38. [ ] You think they are genius when they come up with satisfied quality. (...................... ughm no? orz; ...??)
39. [ ] You collect other people's works as practice references but you actually collect them as a collection. (not really anymore :'/ ... when I was a kid, yessss-- but I realized that. I never look at them after I saved theM LMFAO SDGH[SI that's so stupid/pointless/waste of space T DT1? ......... )
40. [ ] While drawing, you easily lose patience and go do something else. (ughmmm depends on what I'm drawing * D*; something boring/not much of my interest YAH 8D; sid[hgasfias ... buut usually, once I get going, I just keep going :/ ... *likes to finish my arts in one-sitting orz; dsg[asu I THINK THAT'S BAD. 'CUZ. IT'S LIEK. I'M ALMOST TOO IMPATIENT TO GET SHIT DONE EFFFF orz)
41. [ ] Tablet is your god item. (ughmm no. 8|;;;;;....)
42. [ ] You regain confidence when other people's works look crappier than yours. (that's horrible . v.;;; but liek yah. I don't think i can tell the differences between what's pretty and what's not OTL < has a lack of sense of common sense; OTL SAIHD[GA THE SAME GOES WITH PEOPLE HOMFGZ SDIA[ unless they're SUPER ugly or SUPER pretty ..... I seriously cannot judge if someone's "pretty" or "ugly" OTL sihg[ they're all the same to me-- efff? /lacks common senses/)
43. [ ] You are more than willing to draw but you lose the spirit so easily. (.... huh?)
44. [ ] You completely lose the confidence when you see the works of true genius. (ROFL WHAT'S A GENIUS? OTL... I respect people that draws well because they worked their ass off to where they are now :> ... it's not a I BECAME AWESUMZ AT ART overnight process >D>; srsly.... only 'genius' in art that I ever see is liek. .. abstract artists LOL orz; ...!! or else, I guess, there's really no ... "talent" it's mainly all skills :x .. how do you become a better pianist? practice, asshole. orz.. saihg[ but there's always a "limit" to how much a person can do, IDK :x)
45. [ ] You draw once a month or even once a year. (HOMG. I'D DIE. orz)
46. [ ] You get mad when your favorite artists are being lazy. ( ... not really >D>; shit, that's their problem... lol;;; ...! but it's ALWAYS nice to see favourite artist(s) to draw moar 8D so they can make my eyes happy-- LOL *selfish*)
47. [ ] When you draw hentai art, you end up drawing grotesque horror pictures because their proportion is so fucking awful. (... um... idk)
48. [ ] You don't even have faith in yourself.  (HAHSIDO[HGAOIDFSUDI[OGDS faith? what's that :/ ... if this question was asking about confidence, I'd check this lulz)
49. [ ] You can't even draw since the beginning. ( ...... oO YAH? EVERYONE STARTS SOMEWHERE, DONT' WE?!... ...)
50. [ ] You realized there are problems and know where to fix but you never do. (YES. ROFL SDHA[IGOFUISD[GS I see SO many problems 8D .. ...so much I want to kill myself, sometimes OTL sidhg[asfusd buut liek yah :/ even if I try to fix it, it still looks horrid, so. yah *going to leave it as is* orz;;; !!! ............ why my art sucks :'x ... *still going with her I don't want to try attitude* AH SID[ASU[ fckyou...)


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