All i really wanted to say that i really do not like people. People make me angry, sad and very disapointed. if i could go around invisible with out any one touching or looking at ,e i would be a very happy girl.
cheer up sisdarkstar76December 10 2003, 06:07:36 UTC
ii hope u like me hun :(....i have an idea what your feeling im sorry babe your an awsome, sweet, caring, lovely person (your my long lost sis how could you be anything else) and its hard sometimes when your good person cause the world always seems to want to drag you cheer up hun =^.^= (((((hugs)))))) your to sweet to be angry or sad ^.~* kisses :*:*:*
Re: cheer up sismystik_kittenDecember 10 2003, 16:16:43 UTC
*cuddles* thanks sweetness! Love you lots. i found the second series of those lollipop girls, am waiting forthe price to drop a little so i can get you one! Will send it after new years, after the crazy post goes away! ^_^ your the best!!!
Re: cheer up sisdarkstar76December 10 2003, 16:43:23 UTC
sounds like a plan to me ^.^ then i can have more time to go fun shopping for you and i can find funner stuff when i go down to my parents house ^.~* im trying to find the coolest most perfect stuff i can find ^.^ i didnt know they came out with anouther series oh im sure there ever sooo cute
Comments 5
pple = shit.. definately.. u obviously read my last post :P
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