The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What kind of book would
hopscotchn9 and
ishboo jointly write?The art of getting into trouble... Can
ravynnsloft raise the dead to perform common household tasks?LMAO.. I am lucky if he does the dishes.Whom is
salvaged attracted to?Le Femme des Femme..=)Why would
poppyaseed go to heaven but
helichrysm go to hell?Ohhh thats a hard one... I am taking the 5th.Where do you think
hellodali is right now?Taking pictures of school kids?What hobby do you think
dragansbane should take up?Wrestling? What habit does
bitmap have that you think they should give up?Bad choices in women.. When's the last time you saw
ed209uardo?His wedding..Why is
lessifer sneaking up behind you right now?Probably to try and tickle me again.. darn no beer handy.Does
wacko1138 have a funny-shaped head or what?Nope..=)
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?