Prices can be negotiated for theses and discounts applied for multiple purchases. I can do holds for up to a week or more if there is sufficient communication. Shipping in the U.S. will be first class or standard, for international shipping please message me for a quote.
Official Goods
Death Note
Misa Amane (Can be sold with case or without, though I recommend without to avoid higher shipping costs)
L (Can be sold with case or without, though I recommend without to avoid higher shipping costs)
Final Fantasy
Hope Estheim Play Arts
Squall Leonhart Dissidia Mini Arts
Cloud Strife Dissidia Mini Arts
Zidane Tribal Dissidia Mini Arts
1. Unknown- UK/Spain
2. Unknown- UK/Spain
3. Travesia el Amor- UK/Spain- R18
Kingdom Hearts
4. Unknown- Riku/Sora
5. Unknown- Riku/Sora- R18
Final Fantasy VII
6. Unknown-Zack/Cloud
7. Sweet-Zack/Cloud- R18
Disclaimer: Please only purchase the adult items if you are 18 or over. During the transaction I am assuming that you are indeed an adult and thus am not responsible for the content after it has been bought.