Okay, I giggled like a schoolgirl about Zarek's execution. Gaeta was at least following his ideals and trying to make things better--and he was unsettled by Zarek's extremes and eventually stopped listening to him. A little late, but he did stop. I didn't expect Zarek to, y'know, off the Quorom, but it's something that's strongly hinted at in hindsight (I thought keep an eye on them would mean sit on them and lie to them and not let them get outside information. Way too optimistic).
And we still don't know shit about Starbuck. But apparently poor, slutty Ellen will return and she totally knows the truth about everything. That's going to be an awkward reunion. "Ellen!" "SAUL! You poisoned me and then knocked up a Six?! WHAT THE HELL? DIDN'T I SOMEHOW ARRANGE ALL THIS SO THAT WE COULD BE TOGETHER AGAIN? Jackass." I'm sure it'll also be awkward for that Cavil that was taking advantage of her on New Caprica.
In other news, the cable box in the basement must be placed just so in order to display color. Just so has proven to be quite temperamental and moves about quite often. Good thing I don't watch much tv down here. I did make it through all of REPO! The Genetic Opera in color though, and enjoyed it. I might have to purchase the soundtrack. Hell, Paris Hilton was well-cast in her role and didn't annoy me--that's something right there.