I felt like posting a tutorial so i just went to make an icon :P
using some of my textures which i downloaded but never used (:
so we shall be making this totally randomly colorful-happyish icon:
really simple (: hope you enjoy!
includes selective coloring, channel mixer, color balance.
1.put your picture into photoshop then take this texture and paste in a layer ON TOP of your picture. then use your Rectangular Marquee Tool to select that little hole thingy in the middle of the texture and press delete. so your picture will show up behind. move it around till the focus is in the center.
houseforlife in
eveningwalk )
2.now for coloring. you don't wanna apply the coloring to the texture, so just make all your adjustment layers above the picture and below the texture. (skip this step if you want to apply your own coloring)
(a) Selective Coloring
Red: -100 ; +13 ; +59 ; +10
Yellow: -100 ; +25 ; -14 ; -7
Neutrals: +36 ; +17 ; -10 ; -4
(b) Color Balance
Midtones: -40 ; -20 ; -13
Preserve Luminance Checked
(c) Channel Mixer
Preset: Custom
Output Channel Red: +170 ; -68 ; -12 ; +9
Output Channel Green: 0 ; +113 ; 0 ; 0
Output Channel Blue: -18 ; +18 ; +100 ; 0
(d) duplicate base, drag above adjustment layers (below texture!), set to softlight and desaturate.
feel free to edit your picture coloring in any way you wish!
3.time for textures and brushes!
(a) apply this brush in white [its in black so yo]on a new layer. set to softlight and duplicate.
(makes your eyes hurt a little right? :P)
(b) lighten or screen. Lighten will be less bright than Screen. i flipped the texture horizontally but do whatever you want.
(tell me who its by so i can credit!)
(c) paste this pretty starry texture into your icon and once again set to lighten or screen.
(tell me who its by so i can credit!)
and you'll get this after all that:
4. add your text. mine is miley...cyrus in font violation white color. blending options: Drop Shadow: 0, 14, 5 for Distance, Spread, Size.
that's all! please leave a comment for questions and all!