($34, not inclusive of shipping) - 2 pieces in WHITE (ALL SOLD!!!)
for black, pls contact carine at carine.zzz@gmail.com :)
going at $14 shipped :) - 6 pieces 2 pieces left!
dunno wats tt white thing. belt doesnt have tt white cotton thingy. prob some dust on my floor :)
Chunky Diva Belts with O Ring Buckle (pearl glitter colour) going at $15 shipped :D - pending payment -
Chunky Diva Belts with O Ring Buckle (black colour) going at $17 shipped :D - last piece! - SOLD!!! -
black crown belt going at $16 shipped now - last piece! - SOLD!!! -
all of the above come in the last piece or last 2-3 pieces so im clearing! If u want more details about measurements, blablabla bout the listed items above, details are in this post:
http://mytealeaves.livejournal.com/45860.html any other items in my journal, just ask. i may agree to ur lowwwlowww prices. SOME items ya? :)