swatwithdragons and all the League reps. =3
WHAT: PKMNTRNR Sefton goes to the Plateau and meets all the League reps. And also gets into trouble.
WHERE: League district, Indigo Plateau, Kanto
WHEN: Late October 1994 and onward. Sefton is 12, Lance is 20, other ages to be added.
On one hand, Lance had no idea if this was a good idea. It put Sefton in a potential spotlight and made him a novelty even on the grounds reserved only for League representatives. On the other, bringing Sefton with him to the Plateau while he worked meant that he could keep a direct eye on him, allow them to spend the time together he suspected Sefton wanted (especially in the aftermath of his mother's death), and get Sefton out of the city. (It also meant he had some company, someone to talk to who wasn't related to his work, someone he could teach.)
Even so, the cub in the capital city was going to test Lance's patience and Sefton's safety, regardless of the presence of the Tohjo's League reps. Just how much and how far remained to be seen.