Oct 02, 2011 22:56
I realized something while I was on my little vacation from work - I totally hate my job. Like, I need to find a job doing something that I enjoy more, that doesn't involve sucking up to some manager and playing the corporate game. Nothing that involves a uniform, or being around really strict people. I saw a bakery down the street that was looking for people to help out in the kitchen, and I think that's what I want to do, bake stuff for people.
I grabbed an application and talked to the owner, he's my kind of people. He wants me to bring him some cookies or whatnot I've made so he can see if it's any good, but before I do that I'm gonna want people to be guinea pigs so I can make sure the stuff is actually good.
Also, I kinda think I want to go to college. I've never been, and it might be good for me, but I dunno. Maybe like, to a cooking college. They have those, right?
Edited to add - [Filter: Pollux]
This is going to sound really weird, but is there any possibility you're free? I kinda need a friend.
!event #012,