When people get mad at me for something I didn't actually write, or attribute to me atittudes or stances I've never publicly advocated. If I had a nickel for every time someone wrote some varation of "Jason believes/thinks __________" I could buy a very nice sandwich.
Few have tried the revolutionary tactic of actually asking me directly what I
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Comments 8
(I dunno--just came to mind :P )
As for the Oregon question, I'll have to familiarise myself a bit, so I don't say something stupid!
Apparently, no one understands the idea about "don't shoot the messeger!" Even reporting on certain things is bound to piss people off, make them uncomfortable, etc.; and it is truly sad that most don't have the basic critical and contextual skills to not understand that these aren't your opinions.
Is there any way you can write a sort of disclaimer that appears somewhere on your blog (or on the bottom of every post, if necessary!) saying "TWH is a news source; the views expressed are not necessarily those of Jason," etc.? Do you think that would help at all?
What do you think about something?
Mrs. Mythworker
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