(no subject)

Dec 22, 2004 18:05

Weee surveys!

What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?: Smoke a cigarette. Ha that counts right? [okay so I couldn't think of anything...]

Did you keep your new years' resolution s, and will you make more for next year?: I had no resolution...and no cuz I forgot my way good resolution. =(

What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?: I would say a boyfriend but I had 2...hm...umm...more confidence!

What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?: New Years cuz I spent it with Paul, Suzie, and Nate. And then any day of the summer in summer school and after it with Sarah and Rachelle.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?: Finally pull myself a little more out of depression I guess.

What was your biggest failure?: Losing my best friend Sarah because I spent more time with Paul...

Did you suffer illness or injury?: Yea..I was sick for like 2 weeks at the beginning of the month.

What was the best thing you bought?: The Matchbook Romance, Letter Kills, and Sugarcult CD's. Oh and these really cute pants.

What was the worst thing you bought?: Black hair dye. I really miss my old highlights.

Where did most of your money go?: CD's and food...or presents for lots of people.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?: The Anaheim trip for choir.

What song will always remind you of 2004?: Any song on the new Sugarcult and Yellowcard CD's...ahh summer memories.

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?: Well in the beginning of the year I was a lot sadder but after June I got happier...then sad again haha.
ii. thinner or fatter?: Fatter. Most definitely.
iii. richer or poorer?: Richer. I work now =)
What do you wish you'd done more of?: Pay attention to my friends and not only Paul so I wouldn't lose their closeness.
What do you wish you'd done less of?: Smoking. Yuck.
How will you be spending Christmas?: At my moms in the morning and then my dad's picking me up at 12 and that night we're going to a party...
Did you fall in love in 2004?: Yes..unfortunately.
What was your favorite TV program?: Simpsons of course.

What was the best book you read?: Boy Meets Boy and Splintering.
What was your greatest musical discovery?: The Used, Letter Kills, Sugarcult, Mest, Matchbook Romance, Pennywise, and so many more cuz I was living under a rock full of rap and hip hop before.
What did you want and get?: Necklaces, MY SIGN, clothes...you know...the usual.
What was your favorite film of this year?: NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?: I went to school and got stuff from my friends...I turned 15. Oh and aftwerwards I went to the promenade with Paul, Ashley, Caitlyn, Lisa, and Sarah.
What is one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: A good boyfriend. Though I can't complain about all the shit he got me...
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?: I wore anything and everything.
What kept you sane?: Music....I would say friends but they're all crazy.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: Ian Watkins, Quinn Allman, Branden Steineckert, and Tim Pagnotta.
What political issue stirred you the most?: At first I was totally ABB but now I'm like..Bush won so people should get the fuck over it that Kerry lost! Plus it's better to keep the same president during a war and stuff than switch them. Kerry wouldn't do the right thing probably...
Who did you miss?: Brandon!!!!!
Who was the best new person you met?: Jonathan Ly of course! Haha and Sarah said to put Max. Hahaha.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: Don't be a clingy girlfriend and ignore your best friends.

And I love him. =(

The beauty in all this pain is I can't get away from you so pull me down, don't make a sound.
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