Yeah, There's a Happy Ending
Soundtrack to My Life
by: Megan Daniel
1. Opening Credits - Kid You’ll Move Mountains (Manitoba)
2. Waking Scene - Alarm Clock (Bjork, Beck remix)
3. Falling Asleep Scene - Asleep (The Smiths)
4. Dream Scene - Untitled (Interpol)
5. Driving Scene - A Movie Script Ending (Deathcab for Cutie)
6. Action/Fight Scene - Fashion fight (Hot Hot Heat)
7. Chase Scene - A is for Action (Ima Robot)
8. Hanging out with Friends Scene - Best Friend (Queen)
9. Mellow/Spending Time by your Lonesome Scene - Shady Lane (Pavement)
10. First Love Scene - Playground Love (Air)
11. Sex Scene - Drive (Melissa Ferrick)
12. Going our Separate Ways Scene - Consequence (The Notwist)
13. Breakup Scene - Get Gone (Fiona Apple)
14. Angry/Bitter Scene - A Reflection of Anguish on a Face So Innocent (From Autumn to Ashes)
15. Revenge Scene - Chloroform the One that you Love (Flickerstick)
16. Regret Scene - Let’s Get Lost (Elliot Smith)
17. Hopeful Scene - Clark Gable (The Postal Service)
18. Bored as Hell Scene - Asleep on a Train (Mum)
19. Silly Drunk Scene - Radio (The Alkaline Trio)
20. Contemplation Scene - Everything is Alright (Four Tet)
21. Sad/Breakdown/My World Sucks Scene - Breakdown (Melissa Etheridge)
22. Spring Scene - Fireworks (Dntel)
23. True Love Scene - Forever (Ben Harper)
24. Summer Scene - Summer Wasting (Belle and Sebastian)
25. Carefree Love Scene - Hey (Pixies)
26. Mid-Life Crisis Scene - Where is My Mind (Pixies)
27. Fall Scene - A Lack of Color (Deathcab for Cutie)
28. Realization that you are Old Scene - Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset (Modest Mouse)
29. Winter Scene - Ice Water (Cat Power)
30. Nostalgia Scene - I Know you are but what am I? (Mogwai)
31. Death Scene - Smoke (Ben Folds)
32. Funeral Scene - Amelie Poulain (Yann Tiersan, piano version)
33. Closing Credits - Que Shiraz (Hey Mercedes)