(no subject)

Sep 24, 2003 00:23


I make myself so proud.
8 hours in which I could have done my history project. Instead I slept and made a skirt. BOO YAHZ. Oh ya, and I madei mixed absinthe, pot, miller lite then continued to pull an all-nighter

.Brushing your teefs when you're sickers is the worsest!
Because you have to keep your mouth open to breath through and then you end up coughing and sneezing the toothiepaste all over the bathroom and yourself
To the human beings on my friends list. I will be taking legal absence from this journal for awhile. I do not know for how long. I will get into the details at a later time. I need to speak with Andy first before I tell anybody anything.
I did not get the job at Macys but it was probably good I did not because of what is going to happen now. >>>3so today i watched a very disturbing movie.
soylent green.
very good. but very fucking bizzare.
the new house is great. sorry ive been neglecting you lj'ers.
my new aim name is ella bassics.
pls im me if i dont have you on.
<3 I'm in a shitty mood again ......... Meep .. don't ask tho .. I wrote it in a private entry ;);) .. hopefully I'll never have to read it again :|

Just things aren't the same

( Damon & Me LOL )

He's sending me a piccy soon ppl WATCH OUT !! LOLTK'S MOM JIZZED IN HER PANCAKES AND SHE ATE THEM. D:GoI talked to ash for mucho hours last night.
it was fun.
her comp died :(
I haven't talked to melissa in a couple days.. and she called me while I was gone :(
I feel like an ass for not being home.
And Harvey Dent! *squee* He's teh awesome. And so snarky! I loves him already.

Even better, guess who's the power behind Hush?

Think about it. Who haven't we seen in a long time? Who hasn't made an appearance in the Hush storyline yet?

Someone... enigmatic, perhaps? I'd like to give a shot out to all my livejournal niggas.
I've started school, and oddly enough there's a really super hot "emo" type girl in my accounting class named Raymond. Seriously. I didn't beleive it so I stole a copy of the roster, and sure enough, her name IS Raymond. Weird. I laugh whenever he says that, and I tell him how I'm certain that he's beating the ladies away with a stick. Last night he said I was going to make him cry [and i'm actually almost certain that he started to cry] because he wants to see me so much, that he would be content with just seeing my face or shaking my hand or something. I'm thinking that he doesn't just want to use me. I mean, if he just wanted someone to sleep with I'm sure he could find someone. It's probally not that enjoyable to be a girl's first sexual partner. And he's already told me that he'd freak out if we'd have sex. He said he'd be scared of hurting me.
I can't stop thinking about this.escrotal fungus: i forgot how much i missed gilmore girls!! "fag, fag, fag" he'll say.
This is what I do during school when I'm completely out of it. For instance, today.
francisco talking about boys who are mean to me.And he wears a suit with red Chucks.i'm happy now, aside from my fuckload of work.So it makes me sit and wonder if they talk shit about me behind my premeasured bags I think about Pretty Patty P The R&B singer was indicted last year on child pornography

Alot of people complain in their Livejournals.
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