Okay so this is meant to run over x amount of days but eh, I feel like doing it all in one go! So heres an epic pokemon Meme!
Click the cut for the whole thing ;)
Day 1 - Your favorite Pokemon.
Im predictable, but its gotta be this guy! Ive used the same Luxray from my Diamond game in all this gens games, he still pwns like he did when just a baby Shinx! ;3; Luxray took over from my Empoleon who will forever live in my PC box now XD
Day 2 - Your least favorite Pokemon.
I literally could not choose between these two.
Victini: Why do I hate it? More like, why WOULD I like it. Look at it. It looks like it has downs syndrome! Id rather a bellsprout in my team that does nothing other than confuse it self. I dont see it as a legendry, its just a poor excuse of a pokemon
Reshiram: Again, it just looks retarded. Its like a dog, clown and a retard turkey breeded and this was spat out. Not to mention, its has fur, 'down there' that really looks a little bit phallic...Id prefer it if they put Rick Roll in as Zekroms counter part...
Day 3 - A Pokemon that makes you happy.
FFFFFFFF The noises Mew makes in the 1st movie STILL makes me die! When its playing on the windmill my face, even to this day, goes ' ;A; AWWWWWWW'
Day 4 - A Pokemon that makes you sad.
Screw Yamask, Cubone is the original emo kid! Yamask cries over it self, Cubone cries for its DEAD MOTHER!!
Pokedex entry for the noobs: Cubone pines for the mother it will never see again. Seeing a likeness
of its mother in the full moon, it cries. The stains on the skull the
Pokémon wears are made by the tears it sheds.
Day 5 - A Pokemon that looks like someone you know.
Yes, I know Pedobear...
Day 6 - A Pokemon that resembles you.
Because all I do is sleep...and eat...Oh and go to work...
Day 7 - A Pokemon that you're embarrassed about using.
I dont care what you say, Clefable PWNED on Pokemon Yellow!
Day 8 - A Pokemon that you know everything about.
Ok, dont know EVERYTHING, but as close as xD
Day 9 - A Pokemon that you have a plushie of.
Everyone needs a plush of Luvdisc!
Day 10 - The first Pokemon you ever caught.
Pokemon Blue baby!
Day 11 - A Pokemon that's always part of your team.
Just because, hes the man!
Day 12 - A Pokemon that no one would expect you to have.
Im not usually very partial to fighting pokemon, but if it wasnt for this guy I think I wouldve seriously struggled on Pokemon Black
Day 13 - Create your own Pokemon (appearance, attacks, type, etc). Cant be arsed...
Day 14 - A Pokemon you can't seem to capture.
In red and blue, anyone who didnt catch Mewtwo with a master ball...My hat comes off to you .___.
Day 15 - A Pokemon that you got by trading with someone else.
My best friend wanted to evolve his GurrdERP so thats how i ended up getting the pokedex entry for Conkeldurr xD
Day 16 - A Pokemon that you used to love but don't use so much anymore.
Man, Octillery was AWESOME in the original Gold and Silver, then they made him pretty lame to use =/ he was definately a good tank back in them days and one of my absolute favourites in my team but these days I really dont bother with him anymore ;___;
Day 17 - A Pokemon that you think is super cute.
How can you NOT think Arcanine is adorable! He's like some messed up foodog/tiger with a epic cute face! I wish they were real :< so much fluff...
Day 18 - A Pokemon that you wish could be one of the 3 starters.
I only wish it was shinx because that way him, luxio and luxray would have infinity times more merch :<
Day 19 - A Pokemon from your favorite species (cat, dog, wolf, fox, etc).
Everyone should love cats, end of.
Day 20 - A Pokemon that makes you angry.
they waste all this time with making baby pokemon but why did they NEVER make a baby kangaskhan! ITS RIGHT THERE IN THAT FUCKING POUCH! It hatches from an egg WITH A BABY!! But then I guess they need the teen mother of pokemon...right?
Day 21 - A Pokemon that shouldn't be able to be a female.
oh hey a female MR mime... :| I know they messed up when they translated Red and Blue but seriously, we really wont mind if you drop the 'Mr' from HER name...
Day 22 - A Pokemon that scares you.
I dont care what any of you say, he was scary as shit in the movie!!
Day 23 - Your favorite legendary Pokemon.
You poor underated, beautiful, legendary pokemon ;~;
Day 24 - A Pokemon whose appearance makes you laugh.
It looks like a giant sperm wearing a bra...End of
Day 25 - Your favorite Pokemon rival.
Hes a brat, his name was '???' in my original silver (cause i was a retarded kid...) and hes the son of some Team Rocket woman with giant jugs and Giovanni. What could be better about him!?
Day 26 - Your favorite Pokemon trainer.
Im not sure if lance counts but still, hes a TRAINER so im choosing him :D The ultimate Champion! (besides Red of course) but yea...I adore Lance :'D
Day 27 - Your least favorite Pokemon trainer.
Day 28 - A Pokemon that you used to hate but now love.
I never use to 'get' Arceus, but I read up about its backstory and I really love it now! And the fact its the 'God' of pokemon, pure win!
Day 29 - A Pokemon that you would never use.
Despite how much I piss off my best friend with my Relicanth antics, making it out to be something epic, I truely would never want this in my party...Except for when I needed it to catch whatever pokemon in Sapphire...Its like a floating disease....
Day 30 - Your favorite Pokemon type.
...I think im gonna have to go with Electric!