That's as political as I will get in this post! :D
Earth Beings with Similar Interests! I miss this space every day and my mental health is such that I do not come here and I don't know why that is. Leave your theories in the comments :D
I realized this morning that it is the one year anniversary of Lahaina HI burning. It breaks my heart to think of it. My fam there left, it was just too much, seeing the damage every day. (They'll go back at some point. Splitting time between AZ and NY rn) The estimates for the town to be rebuilt are 7-8 years. The tree is coming back though, which feels hopeful.
Bobi Fett is still with us. I love him so much. Hang in there, kitty.
Bro6 was out and he and McG worked for nearly 3 weeks attempting to get the mini-split set up in my trailer. It never happened. McG had some neighbors with experience come by but they couldn't do it either. I suggested it may be a problem with the unit so the guys replaced it with one that McG had been planning to use later on. I have to go out there tomorrow and see what they've done, if anything.
Initially, B6 and McG had to build out the wall a bit so the unit would be level. I was really impressed with how they did it.
These are some fairly recent pics of my trailer. I haven't been able to do anything with it, really, since it's bloody hot but I think the ceiling looks cool. Still needs another coat in places but I'm happy at least one thing has worked out, lol.
Here is a wild palm tree I pass on my way to MC. I call it Hagrid.
McG and evildog!Abby have left for 6-ish weeks in Minnesota/Wisconsin. It's Day 4 and I have slept 12+ hours every day with occassional naps. I feel so much less stressed. Maybe I will even start to feel like myself again one day!
I looked up psychiatrists that are in my health plan and saw one I really thought would be great. He called me back and it only cemented the thought that he was Dr. Right. But he explained that because of the weird rules etc with the place he works it would require me to jump through a bunch of hoops and would take like 9 months. I was super disappointed but he said that if I was interested, he is overseeing a bunch of 3rd and 4th year psych residents and I could see one of them for $12/hr. He would be working with them and it felt right so I am doing that. I mean I used to get my hair cut at the local beauty school so how different could it be? lol
I'm still not smoking.
I'm still putting on weight.
I'm still learning Spanish.
I'm working on a Bucket List. (Is it weird that I've never had one before? So far all I have is to go mess around in Scotland and take a fancy train ride or two while there.)
I'm also trying to think of ideas for not being in Arizona in the summer ever again. Thoughts?
los amos chicos
*also floundering a bit at dreamwidth