Title: Names
Rating: K+/PG
Fandom: Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files (bookverse)
Spoilers: White Night, to be on the super-safe side
Characters: Molly Carpenter; Carlos Ramirez
Pairings: Molly/Carlos
Length: 200 words
Summary: Sometimes, it's not so much the "how" or "why," but rather, the "who."
Story Notes: Molly/Carlos. Written during a computer-less stint.
Disclaimer: Molly and Carlos are not my property. They're Jim's. Here's hoping he does the right thing with them.
A single word, a single name-his name. It could mean any number of things, coming from any number of people.
But coming from her, it was one of the most wonderful sounds he’d ever heard.
There was something about the way she said it, how it flowed from between her lips. It wasn’t anything he could quantify, not really. Maybe it was her tone, the subtle inflections of her voice. Maybe it was that simply hearing her say it gave him a thrill that had nothing to do with the fact it was his Name. Heck, it could even be the light click of her tongue stud against her teeth.
It could be any of those things. Or all of them.
More likely, though, it was something greater.
Her, and all the implications of-
Feeling the warmth of her breath against his cheek as she repeated his name caused another thrill to shoot up his spine and turn any coherent thought to mush.
Oh, yeah-that was the other bit.
Well, who was he to not give a lady what she was looking for? He smiled as he pressed his lips close to her ear.