Mar 19, 2008 19:56
don't worry.. a little anti-bacterial creme and it'll clear right up for you
"Reply to this post, and I will list three things I love about you. Maybe more than three. Then repost to your own journal and spread the love."
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Comments 13
2. That we can harmonize pretty well--while smashed off our asses.
3. That you have an incredible capacity for forgiveness.
4. That you watched the 04 world series with me.
5. That I have never seen you give up. On anything. Ever.
6. How much you've grown as a person since I've met you.
7. That, combined, the ILuv's and Gino's guys could probably write our unauthorized biographies and sell the scripts to either Lifetime or Cinemax, depending on their mood.
8. That you wouldn't accept anything less than the best of me, wouldn't let me get away with anything, and basically strong-armed me into being a better person through holding, breaking, reclaiming, and maintaining our friendship.
I'll repost this in the morning.
2. One day, not long after you got back from Spain, we ran into each other in the dining hall. No one else was around so we sat together. I didn't really know you and I think all you knew of me was that I was Sarah's little, but that was enough. And we wound up talking for two hours (I think I missed Mandatory Heteronormative Western Women's Values or whatthefuck it was). Good times.
3. Then there was the time you locked yourself out of your apartment and I got to pick your door lock with a blockbuster card. I'd almost wonder whether or not you were a bad influence on me, what with the cutting class and the B&E.
4. If you were, I love you for that too:-)
2. IM conversations lasting until dawn.
3. The feeling that I can trust you with anything and not have to worry about it.
4. You've written me gift fic!
5. We share a love for minor characters and old-school canons.
6. You take me as I am, foibles and eccentricities included.
7. ...and don't hold them against me, even when you justifiably could.
1. That's just pitiful. Heh. To think, I was also the only male voice, as well.
2. Indeed. Haven't done that in a long while. Heh.
3. Nice feeling to have, especially these days.
4. I'm amazed you liked them, since I'm usually hit or miss with em.
5. What would life be without the bit players and old canons?
6-7. There are many ways to respond to that, but I'm going to quote a "Can't Even Tell" lyric (that really awesome song at the end of Clerks).
"And I hope I ain't done nobody wrong, but I miss you smiling."
2. Your wicked sense of humor.
3. That you don't have a mean bone in your body. I know this because I met you back when I assumed that everybody did, somewhere.
4. That you're happy right now.
5. That you've started to realize your inherent worth as a person, and that you might believe us when we tell you in glorious detail how awesome you are.
2. You're a stagehand geek like me.
3. That you asked my opinion on the name-change thing last rEtrEat.
4. Your tattoo :-)
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