Whole New World. Genie. Bittersweet and note-perfect.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- Sherlock Holmes Series:
The Adventure of the Expert Cracksman. A case, a bit of Homes&Watson friendship, a dash of Holmes' past, reads like ACD.
1918. An understated but brilliant crossover with Lord Peter Wimsey.
Commonplaces. Irene Alder deals with the news of Holmes' death in the absolute perfect way.
Beauty and the Beast (1991 movie).
Both a little scared, neither one prepared. Cogsworth & Lumiere, adjusting. Subtly poignant.
Bible -- Old Testament.
Nor Shoot an Arrow There. Gabriel and Rahamiel, after Kings 2:19
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.
The Gift. My favorite of a surprising crop of Butch & Sundance fics.
33° 35' N, 7° 39' W. Victor Laszlo's perspective on the city. Such an underused POV.
JRR Tolkien -- The Silmarillion:
Breath of Hope. Brandir on the love and marriage of Turambar and Niniel, a well-written highlight to the overall tragedy of it all.
Angry Heart. A glimpse of Nerdanel and her marriage to Feanor. Written for me.
Bright Are the Stars Upon the Margin of the World. An absolutely stunning look at Beleg's early life.
Jurassic Park Movies.
Unbound. A wonderful and wonderfully realistic glimpse inside Alan's head.
Live Free or Die Hard.
Die Hard 4.5 : I'll Be Hard for Christmas. I cannot adequately express my love for this story. Sweet Jesus.
Five Kindnesses Charles Emerson Winchester III Performed (But Would Never Acknowledge). Enough said.
National Treasure.
The Spoons Are Historical. Lots of fun from start to finish.
Shakespeare -- Hamlet.
Slow Leave. The only time I have ever enjoyed fanfic written in scrip format. Read. Reread. Then read aloud.
Huh. I was stingy this year.