"does this look like a library to you?"
so basically i've kome to a krossroad. i need directions. im tryin to get to the mall.
when did everyone decied to freak out. it was just like all of the sudden everyone either hates me or wants to be my pal. why do i never get these memos. its ok though. im not worried about it. maybe someone will tell me somethin. i found out that someone apparently is extremely pissed off at me. they havent told me a reason yet. so theyre not talkin to me. i also found out that someone else is pissed off at me. but they kan talk to me if they want. i also started smokin krack again. i talk about it alot and no one thinks i really do it. its awesome. youre a loser.
i bit my tounge yesterday.
im so fukin bored. joe got me some alcohol. im gonna drink it later and kall people and give them a piece of my mind.
"everytime somethin good happens in my life i fuck it up. its kinda like my nature."
"too bad we didnt get to fuck."
someone needs to happen.
special koincidence.
are you ever gonna buy tickets to this ride? or are you just gonna stand there like a fukin retard?
sleeping pills are love