Decided To Picture Post.

Oct 25, 2005 16:50

I decided to picture post before I disappeared for a few days.
Enjoy my ugliness.

I reallly don't know when half of these were taken.
I'ts been over the course of a few days.
They may be in order, they may not..whatever.
Love me anyways.

Text message from Will "But I love you". What a dork.
And I did a fucked up job trying to cover the number. Bleh

1:37 in the AM? Why am I still up?!?

Ah, I look raunchy & I need to turn off the flash.

Off it goes. Ahhhh I'm blurry.

Grrr - So Pimp.

I'm such an f-ing rock star.

I'm on my bed, zonk!

Okay, maybe I'll watch tv.

Sad attempt at trying to reach up and take a picture of my Blink 182 poster.

GOT IT...Well...good enough.

Earmuffs :o...Yes I was highly amused for an hour.

Me pimpin out my pink bath robe. MMMHMMM.

And 1..2..3..Pass Out.

Another day - Hanging out with Eowyn & Being Lame.

I'm so serious, le-grrrr. [Day time]

"Like Whoa" [Night Time]

Eowyn stole my cellphone and made long distance
phonecalls to China.

Another Day - Black & White Meets Marilyn Monroe "Candace style".



Beauty at it's best <333333.


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