Not sure whether to use my film icon or my dance icon for this...
The Brattle is showing a new documentary about the Paris Opera Ballet that is supposed to be very good, called La Danse. My only chance to see it is Thursday at 8. Anyone up for it?
Here is the Brattle's description:
(2009) dir Frederick Wiseman [159 min]
The Paris Opera Ballet is one of the world’s great ballet companies. In his new film LA DANSE, acclaimed documentarian Frederick Wiseman follows the rehearsals and performances of seven ballets and provides an intimate look at this legendary company. The film shows the work involved in administering the company and the coordinated and collaborative efforts of choreographers, ballet masters, dancers, musicians, and designers.
Frederick Wiseman is one of the world’s great documentary filmmakers. Eschewing voice-over narration, talking head interviews and onscreen bluster, Wiseman stands back and lets his subjects speak for themselves for as long as it takes to tell their stories. This technique has resulted in some of the most powerful documentaries of the past 50 years. From Titicut Follies to High School to Domestic Violence, Wiseman is well-known for tackling thorny social issues, but he is equally adept at capturing the creative process in films such as La Comédie-Française, Ballet, and his latest work, LA DANSE. The Brattle is excited to be hosting the hometown theatrical premiere of this remarkable new film.
"One of the finest dance films ever made." - A.O. Scott, The New York Times