Only a couple of quizzes!!

Dec 14, 2008 19:25

Your result for The What Kind of Roman Are You Test, for women...

Are you a working girl?

You scored 8% Brothel Girl! That's great! (Really.) Read on!

A Brothel Girl! Don’t worry. This doesn’t mean you are a slut. Nor does it have any bearing on your economic status. Mostly, it just means you are a working girl. This is because in Roman times, women didn’t generally have a choice about “jobs.”

And believe it or not, you are a very lucky girl!

You have a steady job, a decent income, and no husband around to tell you what to do. Sure, you have to put some effort into your job, but it’s a job that can be lots of fun if you let it be.

Outside of widows, you are the only class of woman who is truly independent of the rule of a man. Sure, because of your job you have to have a license and pay taxes on your income, but you get to have your own home and manage your own life. Not many women get that luxury.

Most of your customers are married men, or soldiers, but they respect you and treat you well. To advertise, you might paint your name on the paving stones outside, along with a set of footsteps that lead to your door. You can also sell tokens that are redeemable for your favors. Different tokens represent different favors.

You rent a room at a local brothel, and that’s YOUR room. It’s decorated with a warm and comfy fur filled bed, and hand painted murals on the walls. Sure, the murals depict sexual acts, but after all, they’re really just there to entice the customer. You may solicit your own customers and/or service walk-ins.

Odds are you didn’t come from an aristocratic lineage, but odds are also that you are better off now than you were before.

You’ll probably never get married, but that’s not because of any social slam. It’s because you are simply an independent woman.

* * *

Take The What Kind of Roman Are You Test, for women
at HelloQuizzy

Um...yeah...could be worse I guess;)?

Your result for The What Kind of Girl are You Test...

The Liberal Beauty

You scored 71 looks, 78 personality, 22 politics, and 63 sex drive!

You're beautiful, you have a great personality, and youre highly sexual. You're a liberal with your views and you don't put morals before everything. You're probably a great wife or girlfriend, and you know how to make sure that the ones you love are happy. You're probably fun in a conversation and I'm sure that you are as loveable as you are beautiful.

Don't Forget to Take My Other 2 Tests

The Music (Rock That Is) Test

The One Question Test

Take The What Kind of Girl are You Test
at HelloQuizzy

Well, it works for my selfesteme anyway *snicker*

Your result for What to wear to survive the 80s Test...

95% chance of surviving the 80s!

Some fashion facts.

The first half of the 80s it was popular to look androgyn.

The waistline of pants was so high it hurt your stomach when sitting.

Never enough make up for girls.

No socks for men, this was due to Miami Vice.

And last but not least: never enough hairspray for all!

I hope you liked the test, if you are interested, I've made more.

Link to My Other Tests .

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Take What to wear to survive the 80s Test
at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The Harry Potter Husband Test...

Mrs. Longbottom

Your perfect HP man is Neville Longbottom.

You like the nice guy. You don't need the best looking guy, or the most talented, or the most popular, or the most powerful. You want a guy who'll be there when you need him, who knows how to stick through the hard times, who isn't afraid to do what needs to be done, and who stands up to even his friends when necessary. You can't go wrong with a guy like this.

(fanart by jeremia used with permission)

Take The Harry Potter Husband Test
at HelloQuizzy

Nice! I'm definitely not complaining, Neville is a sweetheart ^_ ^


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