I'm Upset
I'm upset because you're not here.
You're here every night, and the one night out of a million you're not feels like a walk through the desert.
I'm upset because you're not curled up on the couch doing homework
And i'm not enjoying your presence teen feet away from me
I'm upset because you're going to drive home on the ice tonight
I won't be there to make sure you make it home to the warm bed I lay in waiting for you to make it even warmer
I'm upset because I feel to be between you and every danger
And I'm not able to be in every single instance
I'm upset because you haven't texted me in hours
You did then suddenly and I'm not sure what to say except "I miss you and wish you were here" so I say "hey" instead
I'm upset because I'm a wordsmith who gets tangled
And it always seems to happen when I get emotional over you
I'm upset because of your skin
Your body, breath, warmth, and softness sooth the deepest parts of my lonely heart in the watches of the night
I'm upset because there's only one cuddle I get
And tonight that's my pillow and my blanket
I'm really upset for one reason and one reason alone:
I'm upset because I love you, and you're not here at this very moment, here in our home.