Wow. Its nearly 5 in the morning and im writing on my LJ. Not done it in a while but ive recently been reading through them and its nice to remember things. Im not the best writer and not many people read it… but fuck it I’ll do it anyways. Im not the most interesting person but whats an insomniac to do this time in the morning
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Comments 4
3. You sound like an old woman complaining about people not acting young....I.R.O.N.Y!
4. You smell.
5. "People should enjoy what they have and the time they have to do it in" you sound like Gandalf in LOTR:FOTR when he's talking to Frodo in Moria (yes, i'm cool!!)
6. Tis true, youth is wasted on the young etc etc etc and then people regret it! Oh well! I can't imagine ever being very mature, i'm too "special" haha! Like you!
1)your better off than me!
2) no YOUR the raving lesbo and im going to have to stop seeing you becasue its just teasing you and thats unfair!!
3)what you on about!!! i ALLWAYS complain! thats the best thing about me! T.W.A.T (thats refering to you not me)
4) you smell worse!
5) i would be gandalf ANYDAY!!!
6)we should never grow up!! i'll marry peter pan and you can have wendy ( wink wink you big lesbo!)
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