Jul 31, 2011 12:07
- Sat, 12:43: It's extremely difficult trying to find skirts wth pockets. Yes, I'm picky like that...
- Sat, 17:50: Owowowowow....good thing I'll be spending tomorrow inside, in a chair. ;_; My poor, achey feet...
Jul 30, 2011 12:07
- Fri, 23:17: ...y'know how there's drunken master styles for martial arts, right?
- Fri, 23:18: And how the bending moves in A:tLA is based on martial arts moves, right?
- Fri, 23:18: My weary-yet-oddly-inspired mind came up with this notion: a drunken water bender could be called a Booze Bender (courtesy of Sokka)
Jul 29, 2011 12:22
- Fri, 00:17: Why is it...that it's so difficult...to find just the fitted sheet of a bed...being sold all by itself?! *headdesk*
Jul 28, 2011 12:22
- Wed, 14:45: I'm through with the Tea Party insisting upon getting their way all the way on the debt issue.
- Wed, 14:46: Running Congress with our two parties is like being married: you can't get your way all the time.
- Wed, 14:47: You HAVE to compromise to make things work. Otherwise, it'll end in tears and pain...
- Wed, 14:48: And a crap-ton
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Jul 23, 2011 12:22
- Fri, 23:22: ...I think I'll put the entire "Avatar: The Last Airbender" series on my Amazon wishlist. It's pretty darn good! :D <3
Jul 22, 2011 12:07
- Thu, 21:01: ...man, this month's killing me. All these long hours for overtime's messing with me remembering to do certain things.
- Thu, 21:01: Like recharging my phone ^^; *plugs phone in*
- Thu, 21:30: ...man, I need to catch up on Gokaiger, since the new member of the crew, Gokai Silver, is now settling in...
- Thu, 22:05: Yesssss, Mega Flare
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Jul 20, 2011 12:22
- Tue, 22:24: Level-grinding my commands on the Command Board in Birth By Sleep. It's very addicting, and accidentally keeping me awake late at night ^^;