What I used to see - a Sherlock/John fanmix

Mar 03, 2012 14:14

A little gift for the lovely sevenswells because she's amazing.
Post-Reichenbach. John reflects on his relationship with Sherlock. As I can't stand angsty situations for too long, the last song has this hint of hope because all is not lost.

.:o1:. Jynweythek Ylow - Aphex Twin


.:o2:. The Days - Patrick Wolf

I see the steeple and trace to the Spire
And the sun set
Deep in regret
Phoenix in final fire
And the time stops
Rush hour traffic
Slows and my heart
Starts beating this
Dark through old flesh and cold bone

.:o3:. Graveyard - Feist

Roots and lies, roots and lies, our family tree is old
From there we climb the golden hill, calmly will eternity
I held your heart, a giant wand; all tell of sorrow
And history begins to be blue and brown eyes

.:o4:. Chin music (for the unsuspecting hero) - Foster the people

Took a stab in the dark and missed again I believe
The hardest part is not seeing what I used to see
My faith grew to a top but worry does all it can
To whisper in both my ears make-believe stories

.:05:. The thoughts that give me the creeps - Hellogoodbye

I woke up tired and feeling old
And I wondered why my bed was cold
And I thought could you have gone?
And if so where and how long?
And why would I let you go?
Why would I ever let you go?

.:o6:. Winter bones - Stars

You say "Is this a war?"
Hardly, and then you hit a wall
Honestly, you want to know but you can't
I believe, I want to believe, in anything

.:o7:. Waiting for you - Ben Harper

I've been hoping for you
Keep hoping for you
What else can I do
But keep hoping for you?

.:o8:. Future self - Faded Paper Figures

Our future selves are free
Your future self will love me
Our future eyes will see
Your future self will love me.


Please comment if taking! :D

(fandom) sherlock holmes, (life) music, (stuff) graphics, (stuff) pieces of work, (life) friends, (fangirl) fanmix

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