Smooch doesn't want to EAT. He has an appetite, he eats a little, then he's just . . . done. Sometimes switching food will help and he'll eat his fill, but it's like he gets tired of it.
I wasn't too worried about it, I thought I'd solved the problem by switching back to a food flavor that he liked before but I had to stop giving him when the vet
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Comments 11
I’m sorry. It’s so rough when they won’t eat, but you don’t know why :/
The vet took a look at him and ran some blood and pee tests and he's doing well. There's nothing seriously wrong. He thinks that Smooch basically is feeling very nauseated from his kidney issues. He's just not throwing up, becaude they apparently often don't. So he WANTS to eat, has a little, and decides it's not actually fun and stops. So he's getting some stuff to help his tummy, some fluids, and some appetite stimulant. His kidney function and bloodwork look great. Huge relief. He probably just feels pukey.
I could live without the major vet bill but I can cover it this time. Just. Idk about next time, but I'll cross that bridge when I reach it.
I take Zofran for nausea (because my pain meds -- and a lot of other things -- upset my stomach badly), and my vet said that I could give Zuul a quarter of my 4mg Zofran, which wound up being cheaper than filling a pet prescription.
(Figured I'd mention it, in case it helps you at all.)
**hugs and love to you and Bear and the fuzzbutts**
He seems to be very hungry but is still being incredibly picky. I honestly don't know what to do at this point. He's eating enough to stay alive at least. I mean. I think he is. I love him so much but he's a real pill sometimes.
Yay for dad!
Interestingly, Smooch is in that percentage of cats who do not react to catnip at all. Raleigh and Etrigan, now....those boys love a good roll.
I'm thinking of trying Smooch on silvervine, since it is supposedly sometimes effective on cats that are indifferent to catnip.
This is the Best Catnip Toy ever - be prepared to find it soaked in drool. Our little Meezer mix turns into fetchy cat for these things:
And of course, the ultimate proof that this is a place that understands cats:
Seriously, giving a cat the major munchies is now in my toolkit before vet visits. Stubborn little bastards. >.<
Their "just the box" is genius. Wonderful. Etrigan loves boxes more than any cat I've ever met. That might have something to do with how I played with him as a kitten. I'd get him in a box, he'd start scratching and ripping at the bottom, and I'd pick the whole box up with him in it, madly scratching, and "fly" him around the room with appropriate airplane and machine gun noises while he scratched. He is very big now, but I still do it from time to time, and he loves it, just hunkers down and rips and rips.
He also loves to sit on the spinny office chair while I spin him around in a circle. I think he likes spatial disorientation.
He is also ticklish. If you blow into his fur, he'll purr and toss his head and wiggle happily. He's lying next to me right now, hoping to get some of my bacon and eggs.
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