
May 20, 2018 11:05

15 Phrases Kids Said That Were Code for ‘I Need Help’

Oftentimes, when someone is struggling with their mental health, they won’t come right out and say it. This can particularly true for children and adolescents, who many times don’t have the vocabulary to express what they are really going through mental-health wise.
I knew it would be from the ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

choco_chippie May 20 2018, 22:07:35 UTC
We share the same one. My mom still talks about how I would always cry and say the same thing over and over. "I want to go home."

I still say it, though mostly to myself, when I've been spread too thin or am overwhelmed.


naamah_darling May 21 2018, 05:29:12 UTC
Fistbump, then, for the Children of No Country. What I have today is very close, and I hope it's the same for you.


ashbet May 21 2018, 10:45:22 UTC
It’s a strange coincidence that you posted this tonight - I was going through some LJ entries from a couple of years ago, trying to find a link for a friend, and stumbled across this, in the midst of the hell that was my divorce:


I always wanted a home, somewhere that was a refuge, where it was safe to put down roots, without the fear that they would be mercilessly wrenched out.

I just made the mistake of thinking a person could be that home, once.


ResolutionsI will not stand here, heart in hand ( ... )


naamah_darling May 21 2018, 15:14:34 UTC


ashbet May 21 2018, 18:49:48 UTC
**hugs** <3

It makes me happier than I can express that you have found and built yourself a home, and that you are loved and doing well.



naamah_darling May 21 2018, 20:23:06 UTC
Thank you. I'm still very much afraid of the future, but I'm with someone who makes me feel safe and respected and capable, and that is priceless.


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