Wound up spending most of the day backing up computer files. Including 2 1/2 years worth of photos which are *hidden* & time consuming to track down the original files. *sigh* The program got 'improved' from the old version which would have taken me 5 minutes to do the job that took hours.
So, fingers tired of mousing, I just dashed off a quick doodle.
Awww, such a sweet little Marmaid feeding a Dolphin - I love his eager expression! I like all the designs, they are great! Well...I would need someone to teach me how to deal with that Windows 10 properly...:-)
Comments 30
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So, fingers tired of mousing, I just dashed off a quick doodle.
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I like all the designs, they are great!
Well...I would need someone to teach me how to deal with that Windows 10 properly...:-)
I love the Red Apples at Midnight! They are vivid and wonderful!
And I love the apple prints. there's something so appealingly rustic about them...
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