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Comments 25

xxamlaxx September 3 2010, 19:51:05 UTC
Omg goatssssss.

NGL my second thought after "they are so cute" was "I bet they are delicious".

Lol I haven't seen meme # 3 thread I am off to read and revel and giggle.



naatz September 3 2010, 20:30:33 UTC
THEY WERE ADORABLE. They belonged to a kindergarten we had next door, but it took us a couple of weeks to figure that out. XD

#3 thread is kinda ridiculous, innit?



teromain September 3 2010, 22:49:26 UTC
Bwaa, actually "it is I" is the proper grammar. But nobody uses it anymore. English still does work like that, it's just fallen out of common usage. So technically everybody is being grammatically incorrect, but it's so much in the day-to-day vernacular that only professors and uptight people care. I don't care, but it isn't ungrammatical. :O

omg goaaats.....


naatz September 3 2010, 22:54:17 UTC
Walk up to a 8 year old kid and ask them what they think about 'It is I'. If it really were still grammatically acceptable, then 'it is we' and 'it is they' would sound good too. And they don't. It's only grammar traditionalists and grammarians who insist on it being ~correct~ still. Like French! In French it used to be 'it is I', but then it shifted to 'it is me', too. Cases were rid of, sentence structure became fixed etc. etc. etc.. In this case English isn't your average Germanic language. /nerd

ETA: The goats were pretty epic. XD It's nice taking them out to the public from time to time.



teromain September 3 2010, 23:01:49 UTC
That's what I mean about common usage! Plus, walk up to any 8 year old (or 18 year old, or 28 year old) English speaker (at least, in America) and you will get some of the most hideous grammar knowledge and fails ever. We don't teach grammar here very well, even very basic concepts. :\ But when you've got linking verbs or the words than or as, the in-place English grammar rule is that you use subject forms of pronouns after them; "I, she, he, they, we" and not "me, her, him, them, us".

I'm totally not saying that it's wrong to use the 'me' construction, because it's so common that it might as well be the accepted one, but "it is I" isn't grammatically incorrect. :)


naatz September 3 2010, 23:04:18 UTC
I didn't say it was grammatically incorrect, but that it's grammatically unacceptable. It's still correct in some kind of English, somewhere, maybe. In books? :P

idk. My linguistics-tuned brain insists that people know their mother tongue perfectly, and that it's always just the grammarians who fall behind the times. XD



glorious_spoon September 4 2010, 01:52:19 UTC

+ Nonniememe #3: Reasons why Dean bottoming is so damn popular. Back from 2009, but honestly, do these nonnies watch the same show as me? I disagree with pretty much the entire analysis of Dean's character. :( {Dean doesn't let everyone walk all over him!!! It's a myth! NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION HAPPENS A LOT ON THE SHOW.}

So. Much. Love.

I always wonder if some of the people who say these things about Dean are watching the same show as me. :(


naatz September 4 2010, 03:48:53 UTC
I'm watching the same show as you! But we've already established that. Dean's a woobie, yes, but he's also BADASS O_O

All in all, Dean's the one who's mentally healthier than Sam. Sam's views are rigid and he doesn't work to change them, and Dean's a lot more fluid, creative and adaptable. And he can't think in a straight line.

It makes a lot of sense that Sam and Dean got the endings they got in 5.22. Finale was a little clumsy, but it was true to the Show.



glorious_spoon September 4 2010, 04:38:59 UTC
This. I'm not in love with the finale, but I think the whole thing was totally IC.

This is not to say that Dean isn't deeply fucked up--he is. But so is Sam, and Dean isn't some kind of helpless toy. They're both a pair of tough, intelligent, seriously messed up boys. That's why I watch the show.


naatz September 4 2010, 05:02:18 UTC
I liked the finale. :( Clumsy, yes, but this was the first time I cared for the impala and I LOVED the ending {other than creeper!Sam. . . .}.

Dean is fucked up, but in my opinion he's more likely to 'get better' if he works on it. Sam's a pretty lost cause without being prodded into getting better by Dean, but Dean ain't pushing too much. But yes, their messed-up selves is what I love about this show so much. Gah! *_*



idc_chan September 4 2010, 03:52:00 UTC
I basically just realized this week exactly how long I'm going to be writing over at spn_las. Unless I get voted off this week. Which seems kinda possible. But if I do, I'm thinking of at as win, because no more stories to write.

Love the elephant thread. :D


naatz September 4 2010, 03:59:21 UTC
But what are your thoughts on yaoi bottom!Dean? AND GRAMMAR?

I love the elephant thread too. I read it while I was writing my spn_las entry. I laughed out loud several times throughout and had to take breaks from writing to calm down. XD



idc_chan September 4 2010, 04:08:36 UTC
I am fairly anti-grammar. I think it's one of those things that just serves to keep people apart. Who needs silly things like grammar?

bottom!Dean... I think it's hot in the case of sex!toy Dean with a healthy does of non-con (or dub-con if you must). I think Dean has probably tried it, but is more likely to top on a regular basis. And I think he's more likely to top women than men. So, needless to say, I was never heavy participant in any of those meme threads.


naatz September 4 2010, 04:11:20 UTC
I was never heavy participant in any of those meme threads

But they're so damn amusing! And generate some interesting character meta. XD Oh, fandom, analysing the characters based on what we like them to do in bed.

Who needs silly things like grammar?

People like me who are ESL? XP



lexhibition September 5 2010, 03:02:10 UTC
+ Nonniememe #1: The reason why. In which meme converts nonnies to support Sam/Castiel. Through roleplaying. And stalking Dean. I laughed so, so hard reading this thing.

Pretty much this is why I hang around that place.

& awwww, goats! I miss my goats.


naatz September 5 2010, 03:45:28 UTC
I couldn't care less for the wank, but the crack is my crack. Show me to the lulz and I'll be your slave.

. . . you have/had goats. Elaborate.



lexhibition September 5 2010, 03:49:19 UTC
There's not much to elaborate on. My parents own kind of a hobby-farm. They have goats, a couple of alpacas and some chickens. Now that I live in the city I miss them!


naatz September 5 2010, 03:50:26 UTC

brb, drooling.



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