*bwuahahahaha* i could sooooo blackmail you with that.
in other news, he said it again in class today. again. weird kid. But hey, since at least he's saying it to both of us we can assume it's in a "sister/friend" way. And he's just suddenly become vocal about it.
yeah, well, at least I got my wish. Mark is sitting just a few computers away, so I get to see him. And yeah, I figured that that's what the kid meand (remember all my 'it's not romantic' arguments?) but it's still WEIRD hearing it since my own brothers do not do that (actually, no one in my family does). well, this is long enough, i suppose. hope your final went well.
Comments 2
in other news, he said it again in class today. again. weird kid. But hey, since at least he's saying it to both of us we can assume it's in a "sister/friend" way. And he's just suddenly become vocal about it.
well, this is long enough, i suppose. hope your final went well.
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