The Meet the Guests pre-con event at Animazement was fantastic, totally worth flying in a day early for. I was able to talk for a long time with Scott Houle and Kara Edwards (Celica in Solty Rei), and I also got to chat with Kari Wahlgren, Satsuki Yukino (Ai Tanabe and Kaname Chidori), and Caitlin Glass
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Comments 3
Anyway, see ya in a few hours!!
Gah! That's one Mistaken Identity NO ONE wants! But seriously, one of these days I'm going to have to hit up the Thursday thing. I never, ever go... and I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because I'm shy. :P
It was awesome to meet you, btw - haven't gotten around to sending you a PT, but this is even better, a surprise in your LJ! XD
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